Bare Cupboards

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Kiers P.O.V:

I chuck the tv remote onto the sofa stretching as I stand. Laurence looks over slightly confused, I ignore him yawning and padding out of the room and into the kitchen my socks causing me to nearly slip on the lino. I open one of the kitchen cupboards and stare at it in disdain, it’s bare. “Laaaauur” I moan walking back into the front room tiredly “what Kier? I’m trying to watch hells kitchen” Laurence sighs watching the screen intently “I’m hungry” I whine collapsing onto the floor dramatically. “make something then” Laurence frowns “there’s no food we need to buy some” I mumble. Laurence exhales loudly removing his eyes from the television for a moment “what are we going to buy it with Kier?” I stare at the ground for a moment my stomach rumbling “is there really nothing in?” Laurence asks “yeah nothing” I reply Laurence sighs turning back to the tv “maybe Shane will bring something back?”.

An idea strikes me and I leap up from the floor causing Laurence to jump slightly in surprise. I bound into the kitchen colliding with the fridge “damn lino” I mutter pulling my socks off before running over to the draw of random items and trawling through it. I chuck a radiator key and some outdated dominoes vouches over my shoulder before my hands clasp around a card and I hold it up triumphantly “if thats the credit card I cancelled it Kier” Laurence sighs “it’s not” I grin proud of myself “what is it then?” he asks an I chuck it in his general direction. Surprsingly he catches it “subway?” “I’ve got enough points  for a sandwich, we can share!” I exclaim running into the bedroom and pulling my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pyjama bottoms off and jumping into a pair of jeans quickly. I’m tying my boots as Laurence walks “we’re going right now?” “fucking hungry man!” I exclaim grabbing my keys off the dresser and running out of the room. I hit record on the remote, I’ll have Gordons antics to look forward to later. “fine lets go” Laurence sighs grabbing some spare change from on top of a merch box “I have enough for coffee” he explains chucking his keys at me and stepping out of the flat.


It doesn’t take us long to get to subway and I practically run into the door in my rush to get inside “Christ Kier! Slow down you’d think you’d never eaten” Laurence laughs walking in behind me. I stare at the sandwhich board my stomach rumbling “how much do you have on there?” Laurence asks nodding at the card in my hand “I-I’m not sure exactly, enough” “go check?” Laurence suggests “uhhhh fine” I sigh melodramatically walking up to the counter “hey can you check how much is on this please?” I ask handing the card over carefully “15000 points” the woman says raising her eyebrows “everything okay?” I ask “yeah it’s just you’ve had this card less than a month” she replies eyes wide “we were on tour brought a lot of subway” I smile “ah okay” she grins handing it back “so what would you like?”

Laurences P.O.V:

I wait for Kier over at an abandoned table. All of them are empty in fact this place is deserted. I check my watch, 2:35 pm. I guess everyone’s at school or work on a Wednesday afternoon. A chair scraping nearby causes me to jump “earth to Laurence” Kier chuckles sitting in the chair opposite me “I got you coffee” he adds pushing the cup and some change across the table “thanks” I murmur blowing on it gently before taking a sip. “is it vegetarian?” I nod at Kier as he breaks his sub in half “shit sorry Laurence I forgot” he says wide eyed “it’s fine” I sigh shaking my head “just joking” he laughs holding it out “not even funny Kemp, your humours twisted you’ve been on tumblr too much” I tease taking it gratefully.

Me and Kier are mid conversation when I hold my hand up signalling him to shut up. He looks slightly offended but shuts up all the same shooting a questioning look at me. I nod over at the counter “hoodie look familiar” I whisper and Kier looks over eyes widening even more if possibly “one of ours” he mumbles. The girl at the counter turns around and notices us whispering amongst ourselves looking at her and makes eye contact before dropping her coffee causing it to spill all over the floor “shit” she exclaims before covering her mouth eyes apologetic. Kier bursts out laughing spitting sub everywhere “ewww kier” I exclaim getting up and backing away jokingly before walking over to the girl “you okay?” I ask as the woman who was behind the counter reappears out of a storage cupboard mop in hand “I’m so sorry!” the girl exclaims quickly nodding at all of us, this only causing Kier to laugh more until he’s holding his side, that in turn makes him unbalanced and he falls off the chair with a thud.

The girl stares at Kier on the floor and the mess around him, of course he took his sandwich with him and looks on the verge of passing out “are you okay?” I ask guiding her away from the mess so the staff can clean. She stares at my hand on her arm “oh sorry I didn’t think to ask I-” “it’s fine she laughs nervously” causing the member of staff to look up over at us shooting daggers, she does not look pleased. “I suggest we leave now” I mumble under my breath and the girl nods quickly in agreement scurrying out of the door me and Kier following on her heels “THAT WAS A FREE SANWICH!” Kier groans outside “that coffee wasn’t free” the girl laughs “do you guys want to come to costa with me or?...” the girl trails off quietly “not this time I’m afraid-” “WE HAVE GORDON RAMSEY TO WATCH!” Kier exclaims jumping up and down excitedly “o-okay” she smiles “do you want anything signed?” I ask “I have a poster at home thanks” she smiles demurely “you’re too adorable can I have a hug?” Kier asks before practically jumping on the girl “sorry!” I exclaim shaking my head at Kier “I-it’s okay I’m going to go now” she says dazily. “bye!” Kier waves enthusiastically as she walks away. “you do know Kier I think you broke that poor girl” I laugh “not as much as Gordron is going to break those contestants spirits COME ON!” Kier shouts dragging me behind him.

A/N I'm in English at college and I've literally just remembered this exists, it's far from the best but enjoy a short story all the same! Take it as an apology for my horrendous upload schedule of late,


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