In August, 2015

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Nandini's POV
Exactly one year ago. I again went to delhi. This time I told my cousin I moved on and I won't even talk or think about him anymore. She got happy. But just 1 day before I leave for Germany, I somehow got a strenght, I asked questions on to him. I told him I am that girl from Germany etc. He recognized me. And oh, I forgot to tell, I got to know that he actually had some problems with heart and got operated in 2015, just few months ago. That's why I wrote in Somehow, he gave me his facebook account link and I added him as friend. We chatted on facebook and after sometime we gave our numbers to each other for whatsapp. But he was replying like if he MUST reply... means, when I asked him how he was , he only said good and then nothing.. he didnt even ask me how was I... I got the feeling like he doesnt want to talk to me. After some days he asked me to marry him. I was like what the f*** what was he even saying... marriage? I knew this was just a joke.. and I told wrote that I want to be good friends that's it.. and he kept on asking me to marry him... I kept on refusing. And after that he stopped replying to me. I sent the chat to my cousin and she told me that he was testing me, if I was in love with him or not and she told me that I had replied well. After that chat my love for him decreased. I somehow felt hate for him. I hated him soo much. But I didn't delete his number and that chat till now!

I am Nandini Murthy and this is my LoveStory. This was just the beginning of the Story. Read more to get out more about my Life and my LoveStory.

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