Chapter 2

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The desk creaked loudly as he leaned against it and Amelie sunk into Miss Darcy's eyes. It took the Language Arts teacher a few harsh pokes betwixt the eyes before Amelie was brought back to reality. Amelie while she had before, while she leaned her elbows against the teachers' desk and sat in front of it all she could think were those now persed lips. Her stare continued even after she felt the final poke.

“Miss Hancock.” Miss Darcy said to Amelie. The slight strain in her almost even voice made her want to make her laugh especially since her glasses were pushed up above her correctly sized nose, or was any nose correctly sized or was it just that she was attracted to her nose?

“I am surprised you do not burst into giggles.” Amelie said to Miss Darcy lightly. Amelie's default tone was either lazy, laidback or when it came to Miss Darcy flirty.

“I do not giggle similar to a little high school girl that does..”

“Really, you seem the lipstick lesbian type no? You have all that pretty clothing on so snug in all the right-”

Miss Hancock.”

“Since you are so offended I am going to guess you're not a lesbian. I can hold out hope cannot I not?”

“If you want to continue to stalk me, then you will ocntinue to clean the school.”

“How is admiration stalking?”

“Do you realize you are a minor?”

“Yes but-”

“Have you ever heard of date rape?”

“Well I suppose I would have to- Oh wait we could, though of course you would never be willing the age of consent- wait, wait I am sixteen. Sixteen, so you know what that means do you not?”

“Your persistent quiet stares in glass makes people uncomfortable, it makes me uncomfortable.”

“Why would it make you uncomfortable?”

“I am not-”

“Oh wait- You're single and I am single.”

“Miss Hancock to be bluntly as you have forced me to I am not interested and you're a minor.”

'The age of consent is sixteen.”

“I do not consent and will not consent those kinds of relations with you. You're in dention, now be quiet and let me-”

“-lecture me about all the things wrong with me? We could get to know each other first and then you could decide if I am so repulsive.”

“What part of no are you incompetant to understand Miss Hancock? Sometimes I do not know whether your joking but your persistence is freaky.”

“You have not had a history of rmantic relationships at all so it might be possible for you to you know-”

“-quite wrong, it's quite impossible.”

“You are more like Elizabeth except not so annoying. You are lovely and a beautiful mystery. Anyway Elizabeth was prejudiced of Mr. Darcy too until she got to know him.”

“Do you have a big gigantic house that will make my mind change about you and make me utterly fall in love with you? It would not take anything to do so as I am not one of those freakish people who falls in love with a child.”

“I am not a child. If I am at the age to consent to-”

“You're not even at a voting age.”

“Could you at least not think about the possibility?”

“There is no way I would.”

“Ah so you dislike that I am attracted to you as a woman?”

“What-? No- that's not it, as I said- there is nothing wrong with your orientation. However I am not interested in you for many reasons you are my student, I am nearly nine years older than you as I am twenty five, people would call me a cougar, a sexual predator and perhaps I would lose friends if- I am not sure if I can choose to be a lesbian.”

“You have never even been in a-”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Oh! So you have not?”

“You have average grades, completely and utterly average. How-?”

“I listen, that's all.”

“Oh high power give me strength. Go see Berly.”

“Why should I go Berly when I could spend my time here staring at you?”

“This is denention and you will clean the school.'

“But we have a large staff of-”

“-janitors who have all taken the day off because you will clean the whole school. Berly will make you sure do.”

“What kind of name is Berly?”

“What kind of last name is Hancock?”

Author's Note: Here is the chapter upon request. 

Teacher, I wish you were a lesbian (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now