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"Why do you keep staring at her? Oh my gosh like her clothes are too tight. Do you think that is what is wrong with her?" Meghan Woodhouse said to Amelie Hancock.

"Oh nothing is wrong with Miss Darcy though I prefer her lips to anything else in her appearance. Those lips." Amelie said to Meghan.

"Wait, wait are you mocking what a guy would say about her? Of course she is not attractive at all." Her friend asked her. She started to giggle a little.

"What if another female student thought she was attractive?" Amelie asked her.

"That would be just wrong, utterly and complete wrong! I mean come on, to be into someone of the same-sex is immoral. Besides why does Miss Darcy always wear dark clothing anyway? She tries to be all scary but she's not. Oh my gosh she's looking at me! Her look will kill, literally kill me and then I will not be able to wear the latest fashions anymore! Oh my goodness. Come on Amelie, let us pretend we need to go to the bathroom." Meghan said to Amelie.

"I do not need to go to the bathroom. I have something to stare at." Amelie said to Meghan.

"Oh come on before she gives us a detention for talking too much. Her detention are so mean. There is something utterly wrong with that teacher."

Amelie raised her hand above her head. "Miss lovely Darcy my friend here has to go to the bathroom." Amelie said to her teacher. Her said English teacher raised her naturally thin eyebrows at her. 

Meghan gave her a dark glance. Why did her best friend consider another female? Was she joking?

"You do know how to raise your hand, do you not Miss Hancock?" Miss Darcy asked her.

"My last name is so ironic." Amelie said to her teacher.

"Go then. If you come back any disrupt my class further however-" Miss Darcy said to Amelie. 

Meghan grabbed her friend's wrist and pulled her out of the classroom. She closed the door behind and darkly glanced at her friend. They started to walk to the female's bathroom together in silence and she noticed Amelie planned something in her head, there was that look in her eyes that indicated it. She hoped it was a joke but then again perhaps a female was allowed to think of another female as attractive without actually being attracted to that female. 

"Amelie, what is with you to-?" Meghan asked her. She did not get to finish her question however.

"I just thought of something." Amelie said to Meghan.

"Does it have to do with your appearance today Amelie? Sure you have a lovely fragrance but you look so plain today! How can you look so plain today with one of the most popular girls at school?" Meghan said to Amelie.

"Is plain a euphenism for how ugly I am? Do not worry, I cannot ever change being ugly. Might as well embrace my-" Amelie said to Meghan. She made fun of herself.

Meghan laughed. "That is not what I meant. You look fine, you have pleasant features but not your clothes. They look to plain!" She said to her.

"Actually could you distract the secretary, I wanted to say- say a joke on the intercom." Amelie said to Meghan. She did not usually lie to her best friend. 

"A joke on the intercom? Oh you want to do one of your pranks? Could you make fun of Miss Darcy for me? I dislike that overly scary teacher. I just think she is jealous of-" Meghan said to Amelie.

"Will you distract her or not?" Amelie asked Meghan. 

Meghan clenched her teeth when she noticed Amelie rolled her eyes. She let it pass. 'Fine but you have to promise me, when we eat lunch with my fellow popular people that you will wear something prettier. That is way, way too plain." Meghan said to Amelie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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