Not Impressed

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Amelie Hancock's reason was not that she had a dull day, nor was it because her extremely attractive teacher laughed and pointed at her while she cleaned. That included the fat janiter who laughed and pointed at her while she cleaned all Friday and during the weekend. Alright that was a lie, just Berly pointed and laughed at her all Friday and all weekend. She was then scolded by her parents because she did not help out on the farm. There was still sweat involved at school.

 Anyway she readied the chickens in the hallway that morning near the door of the English class, there were lockers on either side of the English class door where Miss Darcy taught a few students on either side of her stared at her with a variety of expressions. She put the feed in her socks and readied the oions. She peeled them and got teary eyed. She put the onion in her pocket and ignored the various stares from passerbys in the halls and people on either side of her. She heard someone wonder out loud if chickens were allowed at school. She opened the door, ran into the classroom and noticed everyone stare at her. Miss Darcy raised her eyebrows. The teacher put down the chalk and a lot of people shuffled in their seats. For some reason the desks were in rows on each long stair, the back of the class looked like those collage classes you see in the films but this was obviously high school. 

The chickens then entered and did a badass slow motion walk on chicken foot after the other. "The chickens have come and they will kill us all and feast on our eyeballs!" Amelie tried to say to everyone dramatically. She even put up her arms in the air, dropped to the ground on her knees and stared at the cieling. "The chickens have come and they will make us their slaves! We must kill them all before they try to do the same to us! We must!" She warned the class. Then they ruined the effect, the chickens, when they squacked and stared at to chase Amelie around in circles. She cried big fat tears.

A lot of reactions happened in the class, a lot of students fell either backwards in their chairs, which one student did and his laughter was ended when he was knocked out by the impact of his head against the floor. Some students fell over sideways in laughter and two twins did and knocked themselves out when their heads banged together. Some people who fell over laughing didn ot knock themselves out.

Amelie stopped and Miss Darcy, hopefully someday Mrs. Hancock, jammed the chalk board pointer  betwixt Amelie's eyeballs and everyone stopped their mocked laughter. There was almost a black aura around Miss Darcy's deadpan head and body. At least that was what the other students saw. In Amelie's imagination she made out with her. In reality Miss Darcy just had a tiny little frown on her sexy lips, with little to no expression besides that on her face.

"I am sure you and the chickens would enjoy dention for the rest of the month after class." Miss Darcy said to Amelie.

"Oh most certainly. We could fry the chickens and eat them together." Amelie said to her teacher hopefully. The chickens squacked in horror and two of them ran out of the classroom and the one left fainted.

"Wait- You would enjoy-? Instead then you will have a suspention."

"Then we could not eat the chickens together and get to know each other. That punishment when I cleaned and Berly laughed at me was too tiresome. However a meal with you over your desk where we discuss things and get to know each other would be-"

"I have had enough of your disruption of my class. Go to the principle's office this-"

"Oh wait- So you do not like the joker, pranster type?"

"I do not like lazy imbeciles who continue to make fun of- to disrupt my class constantly. This is the third time this week Miss Hancock and I tire of it."

"So do you like the type of students who excell then?"

"I am not- I am not a pedophile. Enough of this. Just leave my class. Now!" Miss Darcy said to her. 

"Oh but it was so tiresome to steal the chickens from my farm. I thought I could at least get a laugh out of you and maybe a date. Or some sort of reaction but at least your sexy lips moved. This stunt was tricky to plan and-" Amelie explained to her teacher. Her tone was quiet, disappointed and not as relaxed as before.

When her teacher touched her shoulders to turn her around, she felt as if she were in a dreamy daze. She felt funny shocks run down her spine when she was touched by her loved teacher. She had this image in her head of the teacher pushing her back or frontwards towards the bathroom. Then she would push her into a stall, slam the door, push her up against the side wall and she might be an expert at kisisng. Instead Miss Darcy pushed her out of the class, Amelie fell to her knees and the teacher slammed the door. She pouted. She then rolled onto her back and was tempted to wait all day until she came outside. She stared at the ceiling and realized she should really go to the principle's office. The principle would probably be snide again but that was okay. She did not mind humour.

She was a little tired out from running around in circles in the classroom though. Maybe she should have fallen asleep on a desk and have 'naughty' dreams about her teacher. She got up and walked to class. Her head hung low. She started to think about what kind of personality that her teacher would become attracted to. Her grades were average and she did not seemed to like pranks very much. Although in her defense she only wanted to see what kind of smile her sexy lips formed and what kind of laughter came out of her teacher. There was just something about her teacher that made her imagination overactive, that made her focus only on her and made her continuously ask questions in her head about what kind of person her teacher was behind that mysterious mask. What could she say? She was in love. It was tiresome to work so hard at this, she was not very ambitious but she would try to impress her. To get to know her somehow. On the bright side the next month of denentions, they could get to know each other better! That cheered her up quite a bit. 

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