Chapter 6

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I woke up to see Robin gone and I had a jacket around me. I looked at the note that was left on the dashboard. Went to go get some breakfast be back soon :). I smiled putting the note back down. Soon after I read the note Robin opened up the door and handed me a bag. " I didn't know what you wanted so I got you what I like" that's when I notice his accent, his cute British accent. "That's fine I replied. After we finish our breakfast he got back in his car and I followed him back home. We got to the Storybrooke sign and he pulled over. I pulled over and got out of my car to see what's wrong. I knock on the window and he rolled the window down. "Hey what's wrong" I said sweetly. "R-Regina I know you probably hate me but I was wondering if later you would like to go on a date with me." He blushed. I smiled. "First of all I don't hate you and Second I would love to go on a date with you". He relaxed and smiled. "I will pick you up at 7 M'lady" I smiled. "See you then". I walked back to my car and drove to my house afraid of what was gonna happen when I got home.
I walked in the front down to see Mary Margaret and David sitting on the couch. I frowned "I can explain" "Regina this is unacceptable. You don't just leaving school and don't tell anyone where your going" David said sternly. "I know I just I just..." "You just what Regina though you could do whatever and get away with it. I hate to do this but your grounded you can't leave this house." "What this is so unfair" I said madly. "Go to your room Regina" "Ugh" I stormed up the stairs with tears in my eyes. I have a date with Robin, how am I suppose to go. I cried and grab my phone and message Robin. Hey Robin. I don't think I'll be able to go out to night. It sent and I felt awful. I waited for a response but I didn't receive one. I ended up falling asleep.

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