Chapter 1

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Dudes. Here is Chapter 1. I hope you enjoy it and um vote and comment and stuff. Sorry for the wait. But I hope you like it!



Chapter 1        Freddie

“I thought you were supposed to help me figure out a way to get Sam,” I grumble to Hunter as I walk up to him.

It’s been a few days we had the conversation about how badly I want Sam and I thought maybe we would talk about it sooner, but he hasn’t tried to contact me about it. I don’t want to wait forever.

“Sorry I haven’t talked to you, but I have been interrogating Cam about Sam.” Hunter tells me and we sit down at a picnic table under a big tree. We weren’t too far from our dorm.

“What about?” I ask him, pulling a bag of chips from my backpack.

“Well, he told me that Sam doesn’t really date because for some reason he hasn’t met a girl that keeps his attention yet. He fools around sometimes, but not much. I did find out that there is this girl in one of his classes that likes him and he’s thinking about taking her out.”

I frown. “What girl? What’s her name and is she pretty?”

Hunter shrugs. “I don’t know if she’s pretty, but Cam told me that her name is like Melody or something.”

I sigh, thumping my fingers on the table. “Well, maybe he isn’t too serious about her. I don’t need a fucking girl getting in my way.”

Hunter nods, stealing a chip from my bag, making me slap his hand. That effectively makes him drop the chip and he scowls at me. “Don’t be selfish, asshole.”

I just shrug, pulling my chips out of his reach. “You should have asked instead of just taking. Didn’t your parents teach you manners?”

Hunter rolls his eyes. “Can I have a chip?” He asks.

“I don’t know, can you have a chip?” I ask, grinning.

He swears under his breath. “May I have a chip?”


Hunter groans in annoyance, slamming his head onto the table. “You are such a fucking asshole.”

“You’ve been calling me that a lot lately,” I muse, eating another chip.

He lifts his head, exasperated. “That’s because you are one!”

I just laugh at him, tossing a chip onto the table. “Here.”

Hunter eats it and rolls his eyes again. “Have you seen Sam lately?”

I shake my head, frowning. “No. But I hope I see him soon. I'm deprived of his attractiveness.”

Hunter laughs. “I saw him yesterday and we talked a bit. I didn’t mention you though because we know he doesn’t like you in that way.”

“Yet.” I snap at him.

He raises his hands in the air. “I know, I know. Easy there boy.” He chuckles.

I just scowl at him. “I just want to be with him. What’s our plan though? Have you thought of anything? I’ve been busy with football practice so I haven’t had much time.”

Hunter nods slightly. “I think you should amp up the charm and just see if he notices.”

“So like I need to open doors for him and pay for his lunch and stuff like that?”

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