Chapter 4

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I am having horrible problems with my USB. I had to transfer three on going stories to my old USB that I had lost before my mom found it a few months ago. This laptop just wouldn't let it connect, but the desktop computer would. So I wrote a little bit on the desktop before resorting to switching the stories. Lol. Sorry for the wait. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't of waited this long to post.



Chapter 4        Freddie

‘Hunter’s gone. You can come over.’ I text Sam.

I didn’t have to wait long for his reply. ‘I’m on my way now.’

I sigh, lying back on my bed. Soon the door to my dorm room opens and I sit up and see Sam walking in, closing the door after.

“So what did you need to tell me?” Sam asks me, sitting down on my bed.

I rub my arm. “I don’t want you to like be mad or anything. It’s not like you should, but I don’t know how you’ll react.”

Sam purses his lips, eyebrows rising. “Okay. Go on.”

“Well, I had come to college thinking that maybe I could charm you into liking me. That’s why I had been opening doors for you and buying you lunch and just not as perverted. I thought that maybe you might change your mind about me. I know we’re close, but it’s not how I want.

“Then when I found out that all of us were going to beach, I had thought that maybe I could flirt with you. I felt like we had moments in the water, you know? And I know most of the time its only wishful thinking on my part, but I really like you.”

Sam sits there, biting his lip. “Freddie… I don’t know what to say.”

I shrug, my chest clenching in pain slightly. “I know, I know. You’re not gay.”

“What about Angelo? I thought y’all had a thing?”

I laugh. “Do you know that he actually asked me last night after you left if we had a thing and if that’s why you were glaring at him and not talking to him.”

Sam blushes. “I was not glaring. I was in a bad mood from… something earlier. It had absolutely nothing to do with him.”

“I know and we don’t have a thing.” I pause. “Well, not yet. He’s great, but I'm still hung up on you and he says we don’t have to be anything right now. He’s fine with messing around.”

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