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Waking up again my eyes were burning, my stomach twisted, and my head pounding. I looked around the well lighted room, it was a blank room. White walls, white bedsheets, white carpet.

I looked down at myself, my clothes were dirty, wripped, and in no way wearable in public. Moving to get up, my feet hit the cold ground, and a loud alarm started going off. My head started hurting worse. It was stopped as the heavy metal door was opened.

In the doorway stood a tall, faceless, white man dressed in a nice suit. "Wh-what are you?!" I asked, scared out of my wits. I backed away until I hit the opposite wall of him. His facial expression became soft and almost happy like as he walked closer. "It's nice to see you're awake, I was scared Jeff would've killed you." He said, setting the basket down on the floor beside the white dresser.

The basket was filled with pink, black, and white clothes. I looked at him before making a run for the door. Running down the, what seemed like, endless hallway I finally stopped and tried to catch my breath.

"You're not going to get anywhere," the deep voice from before said. The man stood against the door way. He held a bloody knife, his white hoodie was covered in blood. "A-are you Jeff?" I asked scared, taking a step back from him.

He chuckled and walked over, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and started walking with me. He smiled and ran the knifes edge along my arm, "you're very special you know that?" He asked before falling on his face and being dragged away.

The tall man from before appeared in front of my face, the splitting headache came back. I whimpered and looked up at him, "I-I-." I tried to say something but I was so scared and in so much pain.

"You're never leaving this place," he said calmly before holding my wrist and walking me back to the room.

I Own You [ Jeff the Killer "Love" story ]Where stories live. Discover now