Chapter 2

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Friday came, Ryan and Fox where ready to see their new school. Principal was waiting for them by the office with two other woman. "Hello you must be West Morris and this are Ryan and Fox. I'm Amanda Stewart the principal of Creek Hill High School. This are Fox and Ryan aids. Charlee Kendall and Nyla Ramirez." Ms. Stewart said. "Hello to you all." West said. Fox and Ryan waved at everyone.

"Charless will be with Fox and Nyla will be with Ryan in their class. Charlee will take Fox note and help him with his test. Nyla will be Ryan interpreter. We did get the books that Fox will need in Braille." Ms. Stewart told them. "We can finish up the paperwork while they get to know one another." Ms. Stewart said and lead West to the office.

"Hello" Nyla and Charlee said to Fox and Ryan. "We already went a head and got the lesson plans for the year from all your teacher, just in case you miss a day or if you miss something. For your study hall we'll be in the library. And every morning we will wait for you at your lockers." Charless said as Nyla sign to Ryan.

"Sounds good to us." Fox said. "I also have a Braille Translator so you will have notes of your own." Charlee told Fox. "Thank that will help out a lot." Fox told her. "What happens if one of you get sick?" Ryan sign. "We have another person to take over until we can come back." Nyal sign. "So you got everything covered?" Ryan sign. "Yes we try to stay a head." Nyal sign.

They talked some more until West was done with the paper work. "We'll have your schedulers Monday. Charlee said. They said their goodbyes and head out the door. It was still early to have lunch so West took his sons to a park close to the school. "So how do you feel about school now?" West asked them. "I think we'll be alright." Ryan sign. "We shouldn't have to much troubles with our studies." Fox said. "That's good. But if you need anything you can call me." West told them. "We know dad you tell us that very time we go to school" Ryan sign. "And when we leave the house." Fox said. "Just looking out for my boys." West said. "We know." Fox and Ryan said/sign at the same time.

Monday the day Fox and Ryan fared the most. From what Charlee and Nyal told them most of the kids there are really nice and then there the usually bullies. It just like any other high school.

West got his boys up and made breakfast while they got ready. Ryan was the first down. "Are you driving us and picking us up?" Ryan sign. "Yeah." West sign back before placing a plat of food in front of Ryan. Soon Fox came down and west told him that he will be dropping them off and picking them up.

After they all where done eating they hit the road. Today Ryan sat up front and Fox napped in the back. Once to the school Ryan was the first out and Fox was next, to which Ryan grabbed Fox hand. "Okay boys I'll be here to pick you up once school is out okay. Have a good day. If anything should happen call me." West told them. "We know dad." Fox said. "Okay okay. I love you two." West said. "Love you." Ryan sign.

They made their way to where their locker where. People stopped what they where doing and looked at the two. Ryan felt like he was in some kind of freak show how everyone was looking at them. Fox could hear the whispers about them.

They made their way to their locker where Charlee and Nyal where waiting for them. "Hey guys we have your schedulers, you have a few class together and most of your class are the same so that should help you guys at home." Charlee said as Nyal sign. "We're use to it. They did that at our old school." Fox told them. "So you know how everything will go today then?" Charlee asked. "Yep." Fox answered.

"Lets see. Fox you have Pre-calculus first with Mr. Carter. His really nice." Charlee said. "Ryan you have Government & Economics with Miss. Olivier. She okay as long as you do your work and hand it in on time." Nyal sign to Ryan.

They went over the rest of their schedulers. "Also you have ACT Test Prep after school on Tue. And Thurs." Charlee said and Nyal sign. Soon the bell ranged. "Okay ready for a day of learning?" Charlee asked Fox. "Ready as I'll every be." Fox told her. Today Ofx had his walking stick with him so Charlee didn't have to hold his hand all the time.

Fox took a sit in the back of the class. Charlee and Fox where talking while other made there way to their sits. Fox heard the chair move on the left side of him. "Hey Fox." A male voice said. "Sorry its Jet Heart." Jet said. "I thought it was you. You and your brother sound a like." Fox said. "Hi Charlee." Jet said when he saw her. "Hey Jet how's the family doing?" She asked. "Their good. Dad still working hard, mom still mom." Jet told her. Soon class stared.

Ryan sat in the back of the class room like he always does. Luke Heart walked in right after he did and took a sit beside him. Luke took out his notebook and wrote something down and handed to Ryan. "Hey Ryan." The note read. Ryan wrote back. "Hey Luke." Luke wrote something else. "So how do you like the school so far. I know its only the first class of the day?" Luke wrote. "Its good so far." Ryan wrote back. "No one giving you or your brother any trouble are they?" Luke asked. Ryan turn to Luke and nodded no.

Soon the bell ranged and the teacher walked in.

The bell ranged and everyone made their way to their next class for Ryan its Physic with Mr. Coleman. Fox will be in there so Ryan don't feel too much of a freak. The whole class period everyone was looking at him. He knows they where talking to their friends about him even if he can't hear them.

Ryan walked in to see Fox was already there in the back with a sit saved for him. Again when the others walked in they saw Fox and Ryan they started talking about them. Fox hear every word they where saying. Charlee was going to tell them to stop, but Fox told her when they first started last class to not worry about it he and Ryan are use to it.

Soon it was study hall. Even tho today they didn't have any work they still went to the library. As they did they saw Luke and Jet in there. "Hi boys what brings you two in here?" Nyal asked them. "It quiet in here." Luke said. Luke saw Ryan and waved at him. Ryan waved back at him. Jet said hi to Fox and Fox did the same.

The time in study hall they all talked got to know one another more until the lunch bell ranged. "Ryan and Fox would you two like to sit with us at lunch?" Jet asked. Ryan and Fox followed Jet and Luke to a table with other people.

"This are our friends. That's Tammy she the only girl for some odd reason." Jet said. Tammy waved at them. She also the only one with red hair. Ryan picked Fox hand and waved for him. "This is Jay." Luke pointed to a blond guy with brown eyes. "This is Michael." Jet pointed beside Jay. Michel has brown hair and blue eyes. "Beside him is Greg." Greg brown hair green eyes. "The one with his phone is Will." Luke said. Will has blond hair with blue eyes unlike Jay. "Last is Toby." Black hair and brown eyes.

"Everyone this is Fox whom is blind and this is Ryan whom is deaf." Luke said. Jet and Luke took there sits. Jet said beside Toby and Luke beside Jet. Ryan took the open sit beside Luke and Fox took the sit beside his brother.

Neither said a word. Fox follow what they talked about and Ryan sat there loss. That was until Luke passed him a note. "What are you doing after school?" Ryan wrote back. "Nothing." "Cool we can hang out if you want. Maybe you can teach me sign languages so we can talk to one another better beside passing a note." Luke wrote. "Okay"

The first day of school had ended. Fox and Ryan where in a better mood now. They made so friends and not to many people gave them too much trouble. Their dad was out front waiting for them like he said he would. 

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