Chapter 7

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Lexie and Stella still haven't gave up on getting Luke and Jet to fall in love with them. They did stop writing notes seeing that it wasn't helping one bit. They stop doing anything for a few weeks until they can come up with something better.

One day at lunch they were talking to some of their friends when one came up with a plan. "Why don't you get the football team to beat up Fox and Ryan. You know they would do anything for you. And Luke and Jet will see how useless they are they will break up with them. Then you can make your move." One of their friends said.

There was a big parting happing this weekend. So that would be the perfect time.

The night of the party half the football team was already there. Lexie and Stella only need a few. "Hey boys, we need you to do something for us." Stella said. "What is it that you need from us?" The captain asked. "You know Fox and Ryan West right?" Lexie asked.

"The two fags." One of the other boys said. "Yes them we need you to beat them up for us." Stella said. "Wait isn't one deaf and the other blind?" Asked the line backer. "Yeah so they are still human." Lexie said. "I'm out not beating up two people who can fight themselves. And I'm sure in hell not getting in trouble for two whores who want Luke and Jet heart knowing they are gay." The line backer said as he walked out of the room.

"Now he's gone here's the plan." Lexie said.

Gale always know those two where nothing but trouble. Ever since Jet and Luke Heart came to their school those two have been trying to get in their pants. As Gale walked out of the room to the living room he see's Jay North.

Gale made his way to Jay. "Hey Gale what's up?" Jay asked him. "Is Jet or Luke here?" Gale asked. "No they are hanging out with Ryan and Fox. Why?" Jay asked. "I have to talk to them now, and you may want to get you other friends as will." Gale told him.

Once they where all at the Heat house Gale told them everything that Lexie and Stella have plan. "I don't know when they are going to attacked I left the moment they started talking about beating Fox and Ryan up." Gale said

What they didn't know was Joyce was standing behind the wall listening to everything. She went back to her bedroom where she told Edan and he called up West. They plan to go to the school on their lunch break and talk to Amanda to see what they can do about it.

Monday morning West dropped his boys off at school like he always does and made his way to work. Once there everyone can tall there was something off about him today. Paton called him to his office.

"West what wrong with you today? You have been off since you came in and everyone around you is worried." Paton said. "This girls asked the football team to beat up my sons just so they can have their boyfriends who happened to be gay. But they can't get that thought their heads. Now on my lunch break I'm going to the school to see what can be done about them." West told him.

Paton close the door. "Love if you all this going on way did you come to work today. I would have let you have the day off." Paton said as he walked to West and hugged him. "I didn't want the boys to know I know something is going down. Messed up part no one knows when they are going to do it." West told him as he rested his head on his boyfriends chest.

After they talk for a bit West felt a little better and it was time for him to head to the school. "If you need anything call me and I'll be there." Paton told. "Will do." West told him as he pecked his boyfriends lips and walked to his car.

When West made it there he saw Joyce and Edan standing outside the office. They didn't look to happy. "What happen?" West asked. "Gale told Amanda what Lexie and Stella had plan when he got here. I guess one of the football players was in the office and over heard.

Lexie and Stella had them beat them up today when they change classes. Thank god Jet and Luke was with them. Now they all are in the office with the cops." Joyce said. "Where's the boys?" West asked. "Library, talking to some other officers." Edan said. West sat in a chair that was outside the office. Edan and Joyce did the same.

Lexie and Stella parents walked into the school. "What is the meaning of this." Lexie father asked. "Your daughter try to have two other boys beat up that's the meaning of this. I told you countless time to keep your daughters away from my sons or we will be in court." Edan said.

Edan is a well know business man and some think he in with the Mafia. Lexie dad looked at him. Lexie and Stella mother where to buys crying. No one side anything after that. Lexie and Stella family took a sit across from the other.

Luke, Jet, Fox and Ryan where the first to come out. West ran to his boys asking if they where okay. He looked over at Luke and Jet and see they had black eyes and blood knockers other that they seem okay. West thanked them for keeping his boys safe.

Soon the office door open and the other walked out. Lexie and Stella ran to the father like they always do and the other went to where their parents are. "The court date will be set. You will get a letter in the mail when and what time. If you don't show up you will be put in jail." One of the officers said before walking out.

Ms. Stewart walked out. "As of right now you are expelled from school." She said. The parent of the other started yelling. "Shut all of you. If your daughter would have left Fox and Ryan alone they wouldn't be in this mess and if your son think with their heads and not their dick and told them to fuck off they wouldn't be in this mess. And if I see you two whores never my sons or Ryan and Fox I will have you put in jail so fast your father wouldn't know what to do." Joyce said.

"By the why your sons where going to beat up a blind and deaf kid for some pussy" Joyce said before walking away.

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