Travis' Mishap

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*Laurance's PoV

Aph and I walked back to the portal next to Lucinda's house. While we were making our way there, I held Aphmau's hand; and she didn't reject me. I was thankful for that because that would have been an awkward situation, but I'm also shocked and slightly confused. I would've thought that Aph would have objected or something, but she didn't...does that mean she likes me? I mean, she obviously likes me as a friend, but I wouldn't guess that she would like me as anything more than that. However, there was that one time when she was forced to marry a werewolf prince and she kissed me when I turned into a--nevermind, that brings back bad memories...

We finally made it to the portal and went through it to get back to the new village that we're building. I must say, it's coming along very well, especially with Aaron's help. Sometimes that guy seems stand-offish, but he's a great architect nonetheless.

It was already dark, and mostly everybody would be retreating to their temporary homes soon. Aph and I had just taken a few steps out of the portal when we heard someone cry for help.

Aphmau and I looked at each other, wide-eyed. "Laurance...w-was that Travis?" Aphmau asked anxiously.

"I think so," I said, unsure. "It sounded like it came from--"

Another scream from the same voice had cut me off. Aphmau took off running in the direction of the yelling, and I ran close behind her.

"TRAVIS?" Aphmau called out, "TRAVIS, WHERE ARE YOU?"

"TRAVIS!" I called, hoping for a reply, "I hope it's just a minor accident and not something dangerous..." I trailed off.

We continued searching and calling out for our friend until we heard another shout from the forest. We stumbled upon Travis, trapped under large pieces of wood and stone.

"Oh! H-Hey!" Travis thankfully said, "Can you get m-me out from under a-all this r-rubbish? It's k-kinda hard to b-breathe under h-here..." he asked between shallow breaths.

"Travis!" Aphmau exclaimed, running over to him, "Laurance, will you help me get him out of here?"

"Yeah, sure!" I replied. "Thank Irene it was just this and there were no life-threatening creatures or something."

It took a while, but we finally got Travis out of the rubble. "So what exactly were you doing out here that would cause all that stuff to fall on you?" I questioned Travis.

"Especially after dark." Aph added.

Travis took deep breaths, trying to get back the oxygen he lost after being under the shambles. "I was out here working on building this tool shed, and I hadn't realized that the sun already began to set. I was building up the walls, but I apparently didn't secure them well enough because everything came crashing down on me."

"Well, it's good that you weren't hurt too badly." I stated.

Aphmau and I helped Travis back to his temporary home, since he hadn't fully regained his strength and needed help walking back. His only injury was a tweaked ankle, which could heal pretty easily if he rests for a couple of days.

I walked Aph back to her house. "I'll see you in the morning, then. We've got some work to do!" I smiled and turned to walk away, but Aphmau stopped me by gently grabbing hold of my wrist.

"L-Laurance, I want to talk to you...will you meet me on the shore at sunrise?" she asked nervously.

I was confused at first. "S-Sure thing," I replied, "Goodnight."

Aphmau took a couple steps closer to me and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight," she whispered, blushing softly.

Okay, now I was really confused. She hugged me, held my hand, and kissed my cheek? I started to believe that she really did love me. I walked to my house in the moonlight, contemplating everything that had happened that day. I wonder what she wants to talk about in the morning...

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