The Meeting

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*Aphmau's PoV

I held a conference at around two in the afternoon in the guard tower of old Phoenix Drop, since we haven't yet built a meeting place in the new village. I asked Katelyn, Aaron, Laurance, Levin, Malachi, Travis, and Lucinda to attend. Isabell and Zoey stayed behind in the new village to watch Lillith Garnet.

I made my way to the portal, stepped through into old Phoenix Drop, and walked to the guard tower. I saw Dmitri and Nekoette playing outside with Lello and Rollo. They were running around chasing each other, like puppies on a sugar-high. Kawaii~Chan and Donna were outside chatting while watching the kids.

"Haha, I tagged you!" Dmitri shouted to Nekoette.

Nekoette, making a pouting face, replied, "Nuh-uh, you didn't even touch me!"

"Did too!" Dmitri said, frustratingly crossing his arms.

"Break it up, you two!" Kawaii~Chan called in a rather sweet voice. "Kawaii~Chan won't let you have dessert after dinner, and she made chocolate sprinkle cake!" Even when she tried to be forceful, Kawaii~Chan was always too nice.

"Seriously, Kawaii~Chan?" Donna joined in, "If it were my boys, I would punish them much more than that."

"But Donna~Sama is much more threatening than Kawaii~Chan!" Kawaii~Chan replied.

"Excuse me, I am not 'threatening'," Donna flipped her hair, "I am sassy!" Kawaii~Chan and Donna giggled.

"Guys, this game is getting boring." Rollo whined.

"Why don't we play hide and seek?" Lello suggested.

"Good idea!" Dmitri exclaimed.

I smiled at the sight of the children playing together. I love Levin and Malachi just the way they are now, but I wish they were little again so I would be able to see them grow up...fifteen years goes by fast, especially when you're unaware of the time passing so quickly...

I continued my walk to the guard tower when I felt something grab my hand. I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized that Laurance walked up behind me, and was now walking with me, holding my hand. I turned to look at him and smiled.

"Hey," he said with a happy expression, "happy anniversary!"

"Laurance," I giggled, "it's only been a few days!"

"Five, to be exact," he corrected me.

I smirked, "Okay, okay. Happy five day anniversary."

"Heh, I love you," he laughed.

I smiled. "I love you too."

We reached the guard tower and went inside. When I came up the ladder, I saw the table that Laurance and I 'fell in love with' many years ago. I ran over to it and playfully hugged it.

"Table! You waited for me for fifteen years! I love you so much!" I exclaimed, "You're so much better than Laurance!"

"H-Hey!" Laurance replied, partially believing I actually meant it. He then realized I was only joking and joined in. "I saw Table first! It's mine," he said, laughing. He ran over to the table and hugged it, also.

"Um, hello? Table clearly loves me more than you!" I replied, amused.

"No way," Laurance said, "Table and I are going to get married! 'Tablemau' will never happen!"

We were too involved with our childish debate over the table that we hadn't noticed Katelyn standing in the entryway, watching us.

"Um," Katelyn observed, "do I want to know what's going on?"

Laurance and I both turned to look at Katelyn, who looked traumatized. I didn't know what to say so I just burst out laughing.

*Laurance's PoV

Aph started laughing uncontrollably, she's adorable when she laughs. I chuckled and replied, "I-It's a joke...from a very long time ago."

Katelyn still seemed a little uncomfortable at the sight. She then started laughing, however.

"You two are insane." Katelyn said, giggling.

*~time skip~*

Everyone who was invited to the conference showed up--all except for Aaron.

Where could he be... I thought to myself. I reminded him this morning that the meeting was today, maybe he just got sidetracked? Though, I haven't seen him since then...

We discussed topics such as strategies to building the new village, how many people would be joining us in the new village, and how we could get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension; this was a very hard topic for Aphmau to talk about. Even though she doesn't like him in a romantic way, he's still one of her great friends. He's our friend, my brother...

"Zoey said that she gave up her immortality to save us," Aphmau explained, "but she only lives as a mortal now...she can't reopen the Irene Dimension." Tears started to form in Aphmau's eyes. "But, there is still hope. Emmalyn, Kenmur, and I found a soul fragment that we believe can--"

Aphmau's sentence was cut off by a large booming sound. The whole tower shook, and the eyes of everyone in the room widened.

Katelyn looked insanely worried. "Was explosion?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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