* 1 * Calvin Hood

74 18 8

Planet: Xenon

Star Count: 1

School was out today.

That wasn't much of a surprise. With numerous children mysteriously disappearing in broad daylight, Calvin would say that it was reasonable for them to cancel classes. Clearly, the streets were no longer safe for the younglings; but did they honestly think that keeping them behind closed walls would brighten up the situation?

Everyday, somebody goes missing - and everyday, parents grow more and more protective of their little bundles of joy, anxiety gnawing relentlessly at them. Though that was the case, nobody - not even the police, seems to be actually making a move to stop all the kidnapping.

Maybe that's why the number of victims are rapidly increasing.

Calvin fiddles with his fork, twirling it around inbetween his fingers, bored out of his mind. The meal mom prepared for him is cold, sitting untouched on top of the dining table. Before, he could have gobbled the food down his throat, chewing and swallowing like there was no tomorrow; and by then, he still wouldn't have been satisfied with what he had eaten.

But that's all in the past now.

He shoves the plate aside, catching his mom, who is just sitting across him, by surprise. "What? Aren't you hungry?" she asks in a concerned tone.

Oh, if only she knew. Calvin shakes his head 'no', plastering a false smile on his face. His stomach is obviously growling for something to digest, so he's feeling like a tiny monster is slowly devouring his insides. Luckily, it didn't emit a sound loud enough to reach his mom's damaged ears.

"I'm perfectly fine," he lies.

Mom doesn't look convinced, yet she stands up anyway and begins to gather the dishes. "Okay, whatever you say..." she replies, unsure. She turns and waltzes into the kitchen, happily humming a tune to herself. As she leaves, his yellowish eyes follow her, drinking in the sight of the plump meat which serves as the temporary surface that covers her skeleton.

There's a nagging voice deep within the depths of his twisted mind that encourages Calvin to feed already. He doesn't fight it - instead,he agrees with it. Somehow, he always ends up to. He guesses this is because he's starving his system longer than needed.

"This just in, a 47-year-old American is searching for his two daughters who vanished from their house..." the News Reporter is saying through the TV screen, although Calvin is well aware of the exact details that unfolded during the incident she is referring to.

Miserably, he gives in to his hunger, the lack of nutrients suddenly becoming a huge burden on him. That's it - he can't wait this long anymore. Too much time has passed.

Calvin toddles over to the kitchen, his fingers brushing on the numerous cupboards that line it. He finds his mom crushing the ingredients of a cake inside a small bowl, furiously whisking the batter. A grimace is etched onto her features when she hears the news.

"You should really be careful the next time you step outside alone," she tells him, without even a single glance in his direction. "A lunatic is loose in town."

"Yeah, I've heard," he distantly mumbles, lost in his own troubled, swimming thoughts. Silently, he plucks out a knife from the counter, and aims it directly at his mother's defenseless form.

'Hmm, I wonder... What would her flesh taste like, once I've roasted it?'

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