* 2 * Violette Blackthorne

41 15 2

Planet: Aurelion

Star Count: 2

Everything in your life comes with a cost. And by everything, Violette literally means, everything- Your food, your clothes, your home, your talents - even your parents. It's kind of like the Code of Hammurabi; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Except, maybe it lasts in a longer term - and the code of Hammurabi hasn't been used in years, way before Earth got annihilated. 

Take kindness, for example.

People are being unusually nice to Violette today, and it's really starting to get under her skin. Each and every one of them babbles on and on about her life, more than half of the ones speaking she doesn't even recall ever exchanging a few words with. Friends and family, they said. But all she recognizes is her fluffy mutt barking at her and her mom and dad sobbing, mumbling stuff regarding their only daughter. Though that is the case, nobody bothers to sneak a glance in her direction - not even once. Excluding her lovable canine, of course.

Kinda sad, yet... she's not completely baffled, nor is she going to complain.

Oh, and that's not all there is to it. Fresh, gorgeous Gardenias- which were originally preserved- are scattered around the green patch of grass, easily parading the yard with marvels of magnificent colors - specifically white ones. They are, supposedly, arranged in my honor - but as the throng of people pass Violette by, she feels no different from before.

I mean, I'm the center of attention, but at the same time invisible.

Violette constantly questions herself: 'Why were they doing this? Why did they suddenly decide on showering little me with pointless praises that were obviously lies?' she does hope they're aware that liars are meant to go to hell. At least, that's how the saying goes- sorry, went, on Earth.

So now, as the priest proceeded with his boring eulogy, she observes the crowd from afar, perched on the roof of her dad's aircraft shaped like one of her late grandfather's Mercedes Benz. She's at least twenty feet away from them, far enough to reflect on the cause and effects of logic, randomly pondering on subjects she never thought that she'd care to know more of.

Up until this moment, she's growing sick and tired of just standing around and waiting all day for something to happen. The Highway to Hell can wait; Purgatory can suck it.

"When are those idiots planning on burying the body?" she asks the wind, peering over the onlookers' shoulders.

There, inside the pure white coffin, is a girl wearing an adorable pastel dress with her arms crossed over her non-heaving chest. Her face is peaceful- eyes closed; hands clenched loosely around a single thorny stem of a naked flower. The word 'Solitude' might as well have been slapped onto her forehead before they slammed close the lid.

Darn! If I only knew in the beginning that death was going to be this lonely, I would have chosen to be cremated instead!

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