First Model

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"After all this time?"
~Dumbledore and Snape

Marinette lugged the last of the brown boxes into the small studio. She sighed in exhaustion and collapsed to the ground, but a smile was still on her face.

"Well, this is it Tikki. Our new home and business. Hopefully, Hawkmoth won't set out any more akumas. Haven't seen any of that in a while." Tikki popped out of her purse and took her first look at the studio.

It was technically an apartment, but the cheap price and potential of the place was too much for Marinette to pass up. Most of the windows were boarded up, but there was still enough light to see the dust that was lazily floating by. Marinette checked her phone and swiped past her wallpaper. It was no longer a photo of Adrien, but a picture of her and her parents after she had graduated from college. With a lot of persuading, Marinette managed to get her parents to loan her money to purchase the apartment, so she could start her fashion business.

"I think with a little work, this place could be amazing! You have the talent, you have the designs, you even have some clothes ready. I think you're set!" Tikki replied with enthusiasm. Marinette's face fell, as she locked her phone again.

"One thing missing. Models to model my clothes! No emails yet Tikki. How am I going to get my name out there? This is all so hard." Marinette began to pace back and forth by the windows.

Her heart was beginning to race, as countless worries about her future flooded into her brain. "Okay, so sure it looks like Hawkmoth is on a break now, but what if he comes back stronger than ever? I can take him, but my business won't! How can I be a designer if I'm never around Tikki?" Her face turned red as she hastily grabbed Tikki. "You'll find a way Marinette! I'm sure Chat Noir is going through the same thing right now." She tried to whisper calmly.

Since no citizen in Paris had been akumatized in weeks, Ladybug and Chat Noir's services weren't needed. She wouldn't admit it, but she almost missed the familiar cat puns and occasional green winks from him. She couldn't even count on seeing her old crush Adrien anymore. He hadn't had any new photo shoots with his father in a while. It was all strange, but Marinette was learning to let go.

"I don't know if I can do this Tikki. Who knew growing up was tough. I bet it would be easier if I were, if I were," she hesitated. "Ladybug all the time!" She screamed. In a mixture of fury and stress, she kicked the boarded up window with all her might. In only a second, she regretted it, and then she registered the large red mark on her foot. Marinette clumsily hopped on one foot, and dropped Tikki, while crying out in pain.

"Whew. Are you done yet Marinette?" Tikki asked her friend. While clutching her foot, Tikki saw the slight nod.

Through the commotion, Marinette barely heard the soft knock at the door. Tikki gasped, and quickly flew back into the small purse at Marinette's side. Marinette straightened up and limped towards the door.

"Hey! Marinette!" A familiar voice greeted her. Immediately, her cheeks flushed as she took in Adrien's kind face. He was much taller than her, and was more masculine. He had on a pair of jeans with some converse. Underneath a light unbuttoned jacket, he wore a white v-neck. His perfect golden hair was only a little longer, but still neatly combed like back in middle school.

"Uh, Adrien! Hi! What are you doing here I haven't seen you... In a while!" She said quickly. He smiled and pulled out his phone. He had screen shot the notice online that Marinette posted about her hunt for models. "I just so happened to stumble upon this. I would really like to model for you Marinette. But I'm sure there's a long line for your awesome designs." He smiled with a straight line of pearly white teeth. "Actually, I'm just barely getting started," she glanced back at her place, and tried not to breathe in the dust. "What about your father? I thought you worked for him."

Adrien broke eye contact for a moment to just say, "I quit. I'm twenty three now, and can live on my own and do what I want now. He wasn't too happy. Sad even. But he never even appreciated me helping him. So now I'm here!" He awkwardly added. He took a step inside and scanned the studio. "Er, it's not done yet!" Marinette called shyly. "Cool place. I can help you fix it up if you want. I don't want you hurting yourself," he chuckled while eyeing her red foot. She looked down and hid it behind her leg.

"So how about it? I help you fix this place up, and you give me a job as your first model? We'd help each other, like partners." He held out his hand, his ring catching the light. The miraculous only reminded him of the super heroine Adrien loved and missed seeing every day.

Marinette's mind hung on the word 'partners.' She didn't know when she would see her old flirty partner again. But seeing a more mature Adrien, gave her an uneasy feeling in her heart again. Though she still smiled and shook his hand. A bolt of electricity shot through her, like when she was fifteen. "Great! Call me so we can get started!" He handed her a yellow post it note with his number on it. But before leaving, he stopped and put a hand on Marinette's shoulder. There were more sparks. "And Marinette," she gazed at his emerald eyes. "Glad to see you again." He smiled and walked out of the studio without another word, leaving Marinette in shock and giddy.

"Are you letting go of Adrien?" Tikki piped up from her purse.

Marinette grinned at the closed door and sighed, "I never did, and never am."

A.N: I'm cringing, that was so bad. I'm trying to come up with better ideas for short stories and let's just say it's not working. But I thought of this today and had nothing else to do, so here you go. I can't wait until season two, and people are making awesome fan art and comics that are driving me to tears from the feels! It's so bad but my god, Adrienette is so cute! So vote, comment, and follow me if you liked this and thanks for reading. I love you all!

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