Jealous~Part One

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Special thanks to @BanditShipsLadyNoir for the suggestion of writing this!

"I don't like the way he's looking at you
I'm starting to think you want him too
Am I crazy, have I lost ya?
Even though I know you love me, can't help it."
~Nick Jonas 'Jealous'

It was probably the millionth time that Nathaniel stood before Marinette. His smooth voice was like caramel, sweet and calming. He was apologizing yet again for the words that he had spoken while under the influence of the akuma. And every time he approached Marinette, she admired his features more and more.

All of his subtle details came swooping in at once, while he chatted with her before class. "I want you to have this," he gingerly said while passing her a fine folded up piece of paper. Marinette was surprised at first, but took the paper from him. She opened it up to reveal a beautifully crafted sketch of herself.

In the picture, her black and grey portrait was sitting at a desk, and just staring off dreamily. Nathaniel had somehow made her look both graceful and thoughtful in the drawing.

At the bottom, in careful light handwriting were the words, 'I'm lost in your sea blue eyes. But I have nothing left to lose. I just can't stay away no matter how hard I try. No one compares, it's so simple to choose. Forgive me for my words. Just know that they were never true. I know I don't have a lot to offer, but I'll always be dreaming of you.'

Marinette brought a hand to her mouth when she finished. She was surprised at how brave he was to confess his feelings. Sure, he had already told her how he felt weeks earlier when he was akumatized and became the Evillustrator, but he still felt like he didn't do it properly. Sneaking through her window was slightly intimidating after all. For weeks after, he had been apologizing for the way he had treated her after she "betrayed" him with Chat Noir.

"Again Marinette, I don't care what I said when I was a villain. You're still sweet and kind like I said you were. I know you were just trying to save me." He gave her a weak smile and quickly turned towards the wall clock as a way to distract himself from the wild card he was playing.

There were only two minutes left before class, so he decided to shoo Marienette away for now. He knew he wasn't much compared to certain people, but it was still a lot for her to think about. When he turned his head again, he was shocked to see Adrien watching them intently, with a smug face. When he caught him, he straightened up immediately, and looked in the opposite direction.

"Yeah. Thanks Nathaniel, that's really kind." She gently told him. However, it was only partially true. She did have to save Nathaniel before, but she also had to save her own skin. Her superhero skin that is.

Nathaniel nodded and sat back down in his seat. He chose not to look back at Marinette, until she returned to her seat near the front of the room. "Well, that was a great way to start the morning." She mumbled sarcastically. Alya was writing down notes next to her, but stopped to scooch closer. "So Nathaniel was talking to you again? Ooh Marinette, he's still crushing on you after all this time!" She teased.

Marinette blushed but glanced at Adrien's head in front of her. She knew that she liked Nathaniel, but not in the way she liked Adrien. They were different, but after that day with the umbrella, Adrien would always hold a special place in her heart.

"I don't know yet Alya." Was all she answered. Alya raised an eyebrow then called, "Hey Adrien!" Marinette's eyes flashed in alarm as he turned around to face the pair. "Yes?" His voice was slightly shaky. "Do you think Nathaniel and Marinette would make a cute couple? He likes her." She added with a wink.

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