Waiting For You

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"So when the lights go down
And the sun hits ground
You should know that I won't back down (I'll be waitin' for you)."
~Demi Lovato 'Waiting For You'

While leaning against the balcony, Chat took a deep breath from the brisk Paris air. The cars that drove below him were barely noticeable, except for their golden lights. Though the army of cars was nothing compared to the glowing Eiffel Tower. From the rooftop of the abandoned building, it looked like a large glowing star.

Chat groaned as he stared at a distant clock tower. Midnight. He sadly scanned the skies for the girl in the red polka dot suit, with no luck... Figures for a black cat. He sighed and turned back towards the roof where the table and two chairs were set up. A ruby red rose laid in the center. Chat sighed and picked up the rose and eyed it regretfully.

At the end of their last mission, he had quickly but coolly invited Ladybug to meet him at night. Of course he knew that the love of his life wouldn't show up. Too risky for the both of them to be out that late. Especially for him, it had taken hours of planning for him to escape the Agreste estate. Dodging the security cameras was challenging enough for him. Ladybug probably lived a normal life with a sweet family. Though, he could never know the truth.

He was gripping the rose in his hand, when his ears perked up at a sound just behind him. His green eyes darted behind him and noticed a shadow shift on the rooftop of the building across. He smirked and called out at the building, "Trying to be sneaky are you L.B?"

With his night vision, he could see her head pop up from a pile of wooden boxes. She groaned and stood up so that she was completely visible to Chat. The light from the Eiffel Tower and street lights made her eyes twinkle like stars. Every time he gazed into them, he wished for Ladybug to love him too. It hadn't come true yet, but he had a feeling that his wish would be granted soon.

Ladybug shot her yoyo, and swung across to the opposite rooftop swiftly. She landed gracefully on the concrete, but was still louder than Chat. "I'm sneaky AND quiet," She teased. "Besides, you're the cat in the group. You're the expert at stalking around." Chat nodded but raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, well, did you just say I was better than you at something?" He crouched down and began to mockingly leap around quietly like a spy. An obvious giggle escaped Ladybug's lips as she watched her little goofball run around.

He stood back up and cleared his throat. Chat took Ladybug's hand and gently pressed his lips on the top of her hand. She didn't flinch, but she felt slightly uncomfortable. He showed her to her seat at the table and took his own seat. "You look lovely tonight m'lady as usual. Thank you for accepting my invitation." He smiled, but his lip curled like he was hiding a good joke. Ladybug turned away towards the tower, trying to avoid eye contact. "Why did you need me tonight Chat?" She simply said.

He blinked at her but confidently stated, "I just wanted to talk to you Ladybug. Outside of work." He tilted his head at her as he tried to decode her thoughts. "Is that all? I figured. There was probably no reason for me to come here tonight. I'm sorry." She stood up from the table and grabbed a hold of her yoyo at her waist. She was unprepared for Chat to grab a hold of her wrist however.

"There was a reason Ladybug. I may act all flirty around everyone, but with you it's different. You're so confident and brave and sweet. It's impossible to keep away from you for so long. Plus..." He blushed. "I think you might feel the same for me too." He grinned as she turned around slowly.

"What makes you say that?" She murmured quietly. "You said you knew that there was actually no good reason for you to show up tonight. So tell me m'lady... Why did you?" He snickered. Silence filled the empty space between them except for some loud engines of cars. Ladybug's mouth went dry and her words were lost. "I-I..." She paused when she saw Chat lean in closer to her.

He quickly filled the space and locked her in an embrace. "Until you figure out that I've been here all along, I'll be waiting for you princess." He whispered in her ear. His warm breath made her skin tingle.

She was frozen in her place and couldn't decide wether or not to push him away from her, even though his arms felt so right around her.

He was the first to move when he pulled away, but only to quickly kiss her on her right cheek. Ladybug's face almost matched the color of her suit. She gasped, but was still too stunned to say anything, except to touch her red cheek.

Chat took her hand and placed the red rose in her it. He folded her slender fingers around it, then as if nothing had happened, he bowed like a knight in shining armor. "Until we meet again, m'lady." He grabbed his stick that was lying under the table and catapulted away. A black cat in the night.

He left Ladybug standing there, with only her wide eyes, confused thoughts, and her heart that was beating too fast.

A.N: The cheesiness! Too much! There are probably a million grammar mistakes in that, but I will edit later. I tried to make is seem like a late night date for Chat and Ladybug, when really it was all just a test to see what Ladybug would do. Weird, I know, but I'm trying!

Either way, they shared a cute moment, so mission accomplished. Vote, comment, and follow if you liked that. Comment which ship you want me to write about next. I've got ideas for the whole love square. See you guys later! I love you all!

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