What would you do if you couldn't have the person you're in love with?
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Charlie Landon had her future worked out until her mother died in a freak shark attack. H...
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Wednesday the 13th of December
Percy drapes his heavy arm over my shoulders as we walk into the gym. George and another dude from the football team move an igloo to one side of the room. Samantha gives them directions so that it's angled perfectly.
"I can't believe we agreed to help." Percy groans.
"Did anyone find that microphone she wanted?"
"Yes." Noah appears beside me. "Then it ran into a wall and broke itself. What a shame." His fake sadness has us chuckling.
"She really doesn't need one of those." I shake my head.
"I should pretend to be busy doing something." Noah frowns. "I'll see you two around."
With a small wave, Noah wanders away and I exhale a deep breathe.
"Do you want help with the snowflakes?"
"Sure." I nod.
Percy finds a ladder while I search for supplies which include enough string to hang myself and some scissors. We find a quiet area of the gym and he sets the ladder while I chop random lengths of string for the snowflakes.
There's string which goes from one side of the gym to the other. It's rather fiddly to attach more string and even the snowflakes out. Percy and I switch as we make our way across the string. It looks amazing but I'll tell Samantha that after we graduate because I don't want to give her ideas for future events.
"Can we take a break after this one?" Percy grumbles.
"Sure can." I nod.
"Once you climb down, I'll find us some water."
I tie the last snowflake on and climb down. He wanders away while I check my phone – we've only been here for forty minutes but it feels like hours.
Noah appears with a cheerful smile.
"How's it going?"
"I could think of better ways to spend my time."
"What would that include?"
I search around the room to ensure nobody is in ear space.
"Hm, perhaps something that involves me moaning your name."