What would you do if you couldn't have the person you're in love with?
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Charlie Landon had her future worked out until her mother died in a freak shark attack. H...
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N: 32 C:26 A:5 H:3 L:1
Noah and I are splashing in the ocean waves with Ashton and Hunter. I take Ashton's arm and tug him to my side. I point to Dad and Lydia and we wave. Ashton races over to Noah and the two splash through the waves with Hunter.
Dad isn't one for taking care of tiny, fragile humans, so it came to a surprise that he wanted to sit with Lydia on the sand. Then again, he isn't a huge fan of the ocean and watching these two is tough work.
I sit on the beach and draw lines into the sand with Hunter. Every time the ocean washes away his drawing, he pouts and tries again. When he's almost in tears, I point to Percy and Maddison who are wandering along the sand with Reagan.
Percy hovers nearby, ready to catch her when she falls. Hunter jumps up and toddles over to them. Maddison picks Hunter up and kisses his cheek. Once she reaches us, she places Hunter down and he races over to Noah.
Maddison tugs me into a hug and squishes the air out of my lungs.
"Sorry, Reagan had a hard time adjusting to the timezone."
"No worries, the boys were the same."
"At least we can enjoy the beach." She smiles. "Ugh, I've missed the feeling of sand between my toes and the smell of salt water in the air."
"Don't even mention it! I'm waiting for these tiny balls of energy to run out so that I can nip to the ocean for a quick surf."
"Let me see if I can help." Maddison grins.
She races into the water and scoops Hunter into the air. He squeals with delight until he's dunked into the ocean. Ashton races over and wraps his arm around Maddison's leg.
"Hey, Noah." I wave. "I'm going to check on Lydia."
Noah gives me the thumbs up, so I stride across the sand and flop down. Dad passes Lydia over and shakes his head.
"She's trying to eat the sand."
"Hey, baby, don't eat the sand, it's gross." I brush it from her fingers, then poke her stomach. She giggles and stares up at me. I lean against Percy's shoulder and smile at Reagan.
"How's Maddison's family? I bet they squish her cheeks! Her great aunty used to do it a lot when we were younger. It was okay because she'd give us chocolate."
"They love Reagan. Her mother hates me but Maddison chose to move to America. I told her when we were getting serious that I'd move to Australia but she wanted to be with you and Noah."
"Her family will come around, it's her choice."
"It's been three years, two since we had Reagan."
"Don't stress about it. Reagan and Maddison are your family now, do what makes them happy, not what makes her mother happy."
Percy nods. "Thank you."
Noah and Maddison return with Hunter and Ashton. They plonk onto the ground and tell Dad about their amazing time in the water, they also show him the endless amount of shells they've collected.
I kiss Lydia's cheeks and jump up. I pass her to Noah and reach for my surfboard.
"It's me time now." I beam with happiness.
Noah nods, and so I race to the ocean, board under my arm.
Even though it's been years since I last surfed, the minute the board hits the water, it feels like I've never left.
I paddle out and sit on the board. The children wave from the shore and I wave back. I look to the sky, then to the blue ocean. I wave my hands through the water and I smile.
"Mum, are you here?"
As the water drifts past me, I feel it.
"I hope you're proud of me and my children, I hope you're looking down at us, and I miss you so much."
I press one knee to my chest and float my other leg through the water.
"We named her Lydia Grace East, Grace after your middle name. It was Noah's idea, he wanted to honour you. I can't wait to tell Lydia about the wonderful woman she's named after."
As a tear trickles down my cheek, I remove it with my thumb and smile.
I rest against the board and paddle to the breaking point. It glides against the water and I feel alive with the wind in my hair.
* * * * *
I stretch across the picnic blanket and pat my stomach. I've eaten way too much chicken and chips for one person to handle. Dad rests his head against mine and laughs.
"Your mother would be very happy right now."
"I'm sure she would, this is her tradition we're keeping alive."
"Mummy, can we play?"
"Soon, Ashton, you need to wait for the food to settle."
Hunter jumps up and races off, Ashton follows and I roll my eyes.
"You're in so much trouble," I grumble.
They squeal as I race around them. I pick Ashton up, then Hunter, and stride back to the picnic blanket. They burst with giggles which makes me smile but when they're looking, I use the angry mum face which silences them.
I place them on the rug and tell them to sit. The two pout but they do as they are told.
When five minutes has passed, I not to the grass.
"Go on, get out of here."
They jump up and race after each other. I stand up and stretch my arms above my head. I take Lydia and wander over to where the boys are playing.
Noah wraps his arm around my waist and strokes Lydia's cheek.
"She was a perfect surprise," Noah comments.
"I could do with one more surprise."
Noah squeezes my waist and kisses my shoulder.
"I think one more surprise would be perfect."
"We could try while we're on vacation," I suggest.
"Daddy," Ashton screams. "Come play, Daddy."
Noah kisses my cheek, then races after those two. I look at the setting sun and smile. This vacation has been perfect, I hope we get back to Australia more often.
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