What would you do if you couldn't have the person you're in love with?
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Charlie Landon had her future worked out until her mother died in a freak shark attack. H...
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Saturday, the 10th of June
The ocean waves carry me to the shore, just as they pull me back to the thick of the surf. If the water wasn't doing this, then my conscience certainly would. Each wave that cracks against the sandy shore feels like a missed opportunity. However, there's a sense of comfort in the routine of waves always coming.
I hook my board under my arm and race across the beach. Water trickles down my body and sand sticks to my feet. The cool wind whips at my skin but the glow of the sun counteracts it.
Noah is sprawled across a blue and white striped towel with his arm shielding the bright sun from his eyes. My body casts a shadow across his chest but the dip in the light doesn't wake him.
I hold my arm out so that the water droplets splatter on his bare chest. His eyes snap open and he jumps up. The look of fright fades and a cheeky glare replaces it.
"Hey!" he says. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry?" I chuckle. "I'm surprised you're not exploring the beach or paddling in the ocean. The water is beautiful this morning."
Noah shakes his head, then runs his fingers through his hair.
"Today is going to be long enough, I don't need to add exhaustion from hiking to the list."
"You already have the job, you don't have to stress anymore. Besides, I bet everyone else is going to love you." I smile.
"We shall see! And I'm saving my hiking adventures for another day because I know we're going to spend more time on the beach than in the apartment."
"You're right." I nod.
"I should have saved money and purchased a tent. We could have lived on the beach and lived off the land."
"Don't tempt me because that sounds amazing! I doubt you'd last though."
"Why?" He gasps.
"For starters, takeout wouldn't deliver to the beach."
"The apartment was a good living choice." He cheekily smiles.
Noah stands up and offers me a towel which I wrap around my torso.
"Are you ready to go home? Percy should be awake, so we can make brunch," Noah comments.
"Food sounds good. I'm keen for a stack of pancakes, maybe some fruit to go with it."
"Good news, we have all of that at home! Today is looking to be your lucky day."
"So it seems." I nod.
I turn around and wave my hand in the air.
"Oi, Mads."
She jumps off her surfboard and paddles to the shore. Maddison emerges from the sea and collects her board which washes up beside her. She hooks it under her arm and runs over.
"What's up?"
"Are you hungry? Because we're starving."
"I would kill for some hashies." Her eyes flutter shut and she smiles.
Noah shakes the sand from the towel and shoves it into the bag. We carry our things to the parking lot. Noah loads the car up while Maddison and I rinse under the outdoor showers.
I smile at the beautiful beach; it's been some time but I'm finally back.
* * * * *
As we pile into the apartment, Percy stumbles out of his room. He scratches the back of his head and yawns.
"Hey there." He waves, a small smile on his lips.
"Are you ready for brunch?" I ask.
"Brunch sounds amazing." He nods.
"I was thinking the men can cook and the females wash up, how does that sound?"
Dad turns around from the couch and raises his eyebrow.
"Are you sure you want me to cook?" He laughs.
"Percy should be enough to ensure we aren't eating charcoal food." Maddison laughs.
"Don't leave me in charge of those two." Percy cringes.
"I'm sure you'll be fine! I need to shower and then I'll come and help."
Percy reluctantly nods.
"Thanks, Percy!"
Maddison enters the bathroom whilst I carry the boards and towels to the laundry. I chuck the towels in to wash, then stack the boards against the wall. Once Dad puts the brackets up, we're going to stack my surfboards there.
I jump into the shower and revel under the warm water. I scrub the sea salt and sand off my body and replace it with a tropical mango body wash.
Even though some things have changed, some parts are how it used to be. Early morning surf sessions with Maddison, then grabbing a huge feed afterward.
Small things like this are making the adjustment process easier.
Once I'm clean and dry, I dress in jean shorts and a blue t-shirt, then twirl my hair into a tight, slick back bun.
My stomach rumbles as I enter the main section of the apartment. Dad is setting the table, Noah is chopping fruit and Percy is cooking something tasty.
"I'm making a mental note to throw Percy into the kitchen more often." I laugh.
Percy grins with pride.
"We've made pancakes, french toast and a fruit salad."
"Perfect! Thank you guys."
Maddison hooks her arm over my shoulder and smiles.
"Maybe I will take you up on the bedroom offer! I wouldn't mind breakfast cooked for me every morning."
"No way, you're pushing your luck if you think I'm doing this every morning," Percy grumbles.
"Not even for me?" Maddison flutters her eyelashes.
"No." He shakes his head.
"Wow, rude!" She gasps.
Maddison takes a seat and glares at Percy from the table. Noah brings the bowl of fruit over along with the stack of pancakes. Dad and Noah sit while Percy dishes up the french toast.
Once we're gathered around the table, everyone scrambles to get the best food.
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