Chapter 6 - 3rd Person

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"Hey Sky?" The older boy questions "Y-yea?" Sky perks up, smiling slightly "Do you want to get some sleep?" X asks, they had already watched two movies, and he wanted the younger boy to be able to rest, knowing that stress could be bad for the baby and sleep might be the best thing

"Ya." Sky says, his face still in X's shoulder. Standing up, X carefully picks his boyfriend up, wrapping the boy's legs around his waist and softly gripping his thighs

"Are you feeling any better?" X questions softly as he walks to his room "Y-yes T-thanks for carrying me." Sky thanks, laying his face in X's shoulder and smiling "Of course. I love carrying you." X states and kisses his boyfriend's head softly before Sky turns, locking their lips softly. The kiss was short, but sweet. "I love your kisses." Sky mumbles as he puts his face back into X's shoulder, giggling "You do?" The older boy asks, his hands traveling to Sky's back and rubbing soothing circles on it "Yea. There so soft and gentle." Sky states, hiding his flushed cheeks "I like kissing you too." X states as he opens his bedroom door, sitting his boyfriend on the chair that sat next to the door.

"W-what are you doing?" Sky questions as X walks towards the bed, tossing off the sheets and blankets "I'm gonna change the linens real quick baby.". He states " Y-you don't have to do that for me." Sky says, waving his feet back and forth as they didn't reach the floor due to his petite size. "It'll only take a second baby." X states, pulling on the new sheets that he had retrieved from his closet.

"Here baby boy." X coos, picking up the younger boy and sitting him on the freshly made bed, beginning to take his belt off and tossing it into his closet, along with his pants and jacket, until he was only in a T-shirt and boxers.

X walks over to Sky's position on the bed, helping him out of his shirt before kneeling, helping him remove his pants, already knowing how he liked to sleep.

After getting un dressed the boys climb into bed, getting situated with X spooning the younger boy, his face in his hair as his arms lay gently around Sky's small figure


Slowly and quietly, X gets out of bed before hearing Sky speak "X?" He questions, picking his head up "Shh baby, its okay go back to sleep sweetheart." X coos, rubbing his boyfriend's back softly before beginning to walk away. "I-I didn't go to sleep yet." Sky states as X walks towards him

"You've been up all of this time?" X questions, looking over at his alarm clock. It was 4:09am. Why would he be up? He wonders, running his fingers through the boy's hair "Y-yea." Sky states, sounding upset. As X thinks back he sounded upset the last time he spoke as well. "B-baby, are you crying?" X ask, as he continues to stroke Sky's hair. He didn't get a response. "Baby. What's wrong? Look at me." X instructed. Turning towards Hus boyfriend, Sky smiles slightly, salty tears sliding down his cheeks as he pushes the hair out of his eyes. "Baby, baby. Why are you crying?" X questions, sitting on the edge of the bed and wiping the boy's tears with his thumbs. "I-im scared X." Sky cries, breaking X's heart. Why did I have to get the poor kid pregnant? Why did I have to pressure him into going to that party? Its my fault that he's crying. He shouldn't have to go through this because of me X thought

"Aww. Come here baby." X coos, pulling the boy into his arms carefully and staring into his eyes. Damn he was beautiful. Even crying he was still beautiful. Taking his thumbs, X wipes the boys tears gently "Its going to be okay Sky. I promise it will. Please don't cry baby." X coos and wraps his arms around the younger boy, his own tears falling as he looked at the distraught boy. "B-but there are so many thing t-that could go wrong." Sky chokes out "Yes baby, but it will be okay in the end. Its all going to be okay, okay. Maybe we'll get a new place, start a little family, or maybe we'll decide it would be better to adopt, and the baby will get a nice home with loving parents, or maybe we'll stay here, and remodel the place, make it childproof, and raise the baby here. There are so many un controllable possibilities of  what could happen, but it really will be okay in the end, try not to worry." X states as he rubs Sky's back gently, the younger boy's breathing calming down as his tears stopped. Sky wipes his eyes and nods "T-thank you. I love you." He smiles lightly, continuing to wipe the stray tears before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's torso

"I love you too baby boy. So so much." X states

A/N There's a new chapter c: I'm not really sure when there will be updates but yea. It will probably be slow because I've been focusing on my other stories. Love you guys, sorry for not updating in so long.


I Got My Roommate Pregnant (Mpreg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora