Chapter Seven

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Matt pushed Danni as much as he could up to on to the shore. He grabbed her tightly around the waist and held her tightly under his good arm. They made there way up on to the shore where they'd be safe from the rising tide. Upon reaching a good stopping point they both fall asleep. 


Matt tosses and turns at something on his head he goes to wave at it and his arm throbs. He swings at whatever is at his head with his good arm then uses it to help him up to a sitting position. It's morning but the sun hasn't risen yet. He looks at Danni asleep beside him he looks at her swollen leg. He looks around him for usable supplies. Items have washed up on the shore from the ship that has long since sunk. Matt gets to his feet to look through what has washed up to see if there's anything they can use. He finds rope, a large first aid kit that has minimal wetness. He also finds three broken oars,  and he finds a sheet. After several trips around the shore he takes everything they need immediately back to Danni. He wakes her.

"I don't know if help came or not. But we need help so we are going to have to help each other. It's not going to be pleasant but if we leave our injuries go they could become permanent or worse and we could die so I'm going to do the best I can to jam your leg back together then secure it with the two broken oars and you can use the third has a crutch or a cane to help. Then when I get your leg secure I need you to jam my arm back into place then use the sheet to make a sling. We can use the supplies in the first aid kit to clean and bandage our cuts and scrapes."

"Yeah, you have a nasty one on your head. "

"I'm sure I do." Matt positions himself over Danni's right leg feels for where its popped out and determines it needs to be pushed to the left. One good hard push should do it. He positions his hands on each side.

"Ready?" Matt looks at her. She nods bracing herself.

"1,2,3" Matt counts then gives the best one he can. Danni screams so loud and tears roll down her face but her leg is in one piece once more.He rips the sheet in two pieces then helps sit her up and instructs her to keep two fingers between her leg and the rope. He aligns the oars on each side of her leg and begins wrapping her leg in the wrap to keep the oars in place then ties it off with a double knot. Danni then goes for his arm. Matt lays in the sand and extends his arm, Danni finds where the bone is uneven and puts her hands on each side of his upper left arm.

"ready? 1,2,3." Danni counts and gives two pushes to get his arm to pop back into place. He lets out a yell. She helps him to sit up, Matt folds his arm across his chest and Danni runs the wrap around his arm and around his neck. She grabs the first aid kit and proceeds to clean Matt's wounds and bandage them. He's got a nasty gash on the left side of his face. his right eye and his nose is a swollen black and blue from the bar fight from the night before. She wishes there was something to help the swelling. Once she's finished Matt proceeds to clean and bondage her wounds. They make their way down to the water to wash off all of the blood. Matt continues to look through the items to see if there is anything else they need. There's a few wet pillows he grabs those and shakes them then throws them in a spot where they can dry, he also finds a three sheets that are wodded up. He separates them next to the pillows so they can dry. He notices a large piece of drift wood. Danni and Matt work together to wedge it in between two trees that hold it firmly. They then work together to bring the table top they used to swim there on as a floor. Danni brings  up one of the sheets Matt found and drapes it over their make shift shelter. Then folds the sheet up so they could get in and out. She places the pillows inside and throws the other sheets in as well. She wonders to find some wood to make a small fire pit. While Matt goes out to continue searching through the washed up items he finds a sharp piece of wood and finds a few fish and tries to spire them he catches three fish. He takes them back to where their make shift shelter is. When he gets back there's a fire going.  Matt holds the fish one by one close to the fire til they are fully cooked. The sun is setting now. 

"How long do you think we'll be here?" Danni asks looking at her fish.

"I don't know. Could be just a couple of days. Hopefully that's the case." Matt replies

"I'm scared."

"Me too. But at least we are together." Danni gently lays her head on Matt's bad shoulder. Matt was right, Danni knew. She'd probably be dead without him. He would've survived and been on the ship to home. Maybe this is fate. Fate telling them they need to work their issues out not just talk about them. By the time they are done eating it is dark out the only light is the moon shinning down on the shore and from the fire. Matt helps Danni to scoot back into their shelter. and drops the sheet and the cover up and cuddle in close as they can and fall asleep. 

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