So Ms. Black, you ready for this?

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it was a few days after their 3rd birthday 

they had received loads of paint and mini instruments they could play on. 

your basic small drums sets and guitars. 

and I gave them the last few charms of my bracelet and a locket with a picture of me and gee in it. 

they always asked what their dad looked like and now they know and they could look at him everyday.

Matt came home excited for some odd reason.

"you will never guess where we are going tonight?" 


"Yeah you need to get out of mommy mode for one night. please?" 

"and why would I do that? I love mommy mode." 

"Well I think Taking Back Sunday would not like mommy Bella." 


"Oh you heard me." 

"We are going to see Taking back Sunday!? 

"yeah they sent me to go interview the guys and gave me two backstage passes and of course I am bringing you!" 

"oh my...what am I going to wear?"

i finally found an outfit 

and a sitter for the twins

"have a nice time mo ma!" 

"Yeah mama bring us an autograph!"

yeah they were my kids alright. 

they have known what an autograph is for sometime now.

"alright guys. behave and be nice."

me and Matt enjoy a first rate show and we went back stage to a sweaty group of guys known as taking Back Sunday

"hey guys I Matt James from Music Parade magazine. I am here for your interview."

"Killer name man, I am Adam, that's Matt, Eddie,Matthew, and Mark."

"Oh this is my twin sis Bella Black." 

"Bella Black?" 


"Why does that name sound so familiar?" 

"I am not sure."

shit don't recognize. 

don't recognize me.


Matt did the interview and the whole time Adam kept staring at me. like he was looking for answer. 

and when it was over it finally hit him.

"Oh shit you are THE Bella Black?" 

"I don't know. who do you think I am?" 

"I read about you a few years back. you can perform and rock a bass!" 

"yeah that's me alright. but I don't do that anymore." 

"Oh man...hey can I ask you a question?" 

"Yeah sure Adam, what is it?" 

"Do you play guitar?" 

"Yeah why?" 

"Yeah Matthew has gotten carpal tunnel and needs surgery but he doesn't want to cancel the tour and maybe if you could...possibly fill in for him?" 

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