EW!!! ASPARIGUS!!!,??,

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As I was walking the dusty crusty halllllways of this mf skewl, with Jeck.

I bump intu a wawlll. OML OW!!

"Hehe loser af!" A boi sehs.

I turn areound to see who wus laughen at meh. Jahck hugging me to comfort my tears of pein.

I realized it wusnt a boi who wus laughen at meh, it wus a gurl. She looked ugly af. She had no makeup and looked like a burnt potatoeee.

"Ew tf r u!!"

"Gurl u cunt talk to meh dat way!! I'm pupolar in thus skewl. Wtf,,,.))!!!!!"

"Wull dunt laugh at meh!! I bumped into the wawll relly hard, BiaTChkhh!!" I flipped her of with mey pinky.

"Oh u wunna go!!.!!!1!1 NU one MeSeSss with Asperagus like thsi!!!1!" She comes towurds me and treys to punch meh. But fails bc I punched her real quick in the nose and stomach and face all at omce.

She fell doun in pein.

"OML you just deffeeeted!!! Arzaylea!!!" Jeck sehs to meh.

"Omg rlly?!,"

"Yaws BiaTChkhh!!! U is de hero!!.!!!"" He says given me a teiggt hug. Until mey aibulls pooped out.

"Omg srry, fam" he seys. Apolegeyzing.

"Its kewl bro!" I say.

(A/n lol dew u geys liek de newh backround? It's kewl reight!!!!)

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