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Shawties POV

Onece Jack told me who it wus, I was pissSed of aff... Like whey tf will Artavia do sum like dat... Like dat sh💩t ain't right.

We secretly go up to Arzs place and we soon all stand in front of Arz little shed of a house... Ugh poor people.

We knuockle on her door vv lightly but it accidentally breaks down and then we c a Wild Rat doing what we all assume a wild rat would do.......

Eating Kanye Asada....

"That's kanyebolism!!" Said Kanye chan vv madly.

"Oh shit what y'all doing here?" Arz questioned.

"We are here to kick you in the butt" I said.

"But why" Azz respunded. "Because I can mutha fucka!" I then upper cutter her x100 and kiked she in tha balls x300 and finished it up with a slap acros her face with x1000 horse power. She wus a bit dead but not all the way.

"Where is the baby?" Said Papi Pepe.

Azerlqyla puinted to the door on the left beside the fish tank, in the corner of the chair, beside her cousin, against the wooden spoon, and above the shelf, we telepurted because errthing is basic af.

So we walk inside and a randum Tyler Joseph appears and tells us a sad story about a car radio and a turtle. We cry for 45 minutes then continue.

On the corner I spot my child. My baby. My offspring. My kid. My mango. My gorilla. My..... Eggplant.

I grapbed the child by its feet.... She is so ugly and eww. Awwwww. #cri :')

I then took her out of the room and everyone awwed and Tyler Joseph said he was going to write a song about everything that happened today and he was going to name it heathens, he is so nice lmao.

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