>> three <<

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"Who are you?" I asked intrigued. I sat down in the chair, very interested in what he, and the First Order, want with me. He forced a smile, at it was obvious it wasn't in his nature. He looked awkward. But it was honestly really relieving to see someone who wasn't perfect. Someone who wasn't polished like Phasma and Ren seemed to be.

"Like I said, my name is General Hux. That's what I'd prefer to be called I mean." He said kicking back. His uniform wasn't nearly as menacing with the large jacket off of his body. He seemed slim, not nearly as well built as Ren but he seemed in shape nonetheless. He had styled red hair, done perfectly, not a single hair out of line.

"What do you want me for Hux?" He cringed slightly at the sound of his name without a title. He didn't say anything. He just went on with what he had been saying previously.

"The First Order needs someone like you. Someone with leadership, someone with a decent amount of common sense. Our pilots have been failing us on extreme measures lately and we've concluded it's because of a lack of leadership. Ren thinks you're what we need. Plus the fact that Phasma is your mother, there's only pluses."

"Besides betraying my father. The people that have been there for me since birth. After my mother that I only met a few minutes ago, abandoned me. You can't possibly expect that to make me want to switch sides." I said looking at Hux like he was crazy. He seemed to have common sense, so he can't really believe that's a valid point.

"I know (Y/N). I do. All I'm saying is that she wants to know you now. And this could be your chance. We want you here. We do. So come on. Join us, I really believe you'd be happy here." He said forcing that smile again.

He was cute.

No what. No. I don't think that. He's First Order. I'm Resistance. He wasn't cute. Though those dazzling green eyes were incredibly enchanting. And that hair was really adorable styled the way it was.

No stop! (Y/N) you can't find a First Order general cute! This was very against code. Never fraternize with the enemy. That's a given. Just because he seemed to care, doesn't mean he does. He's done things I can't even imagine. Called on others to kill innocent people. He was ruthless. He was only being nice to me because he needs me.

I should stay. Not because I wanted to switch sides. God I didn't want to switch at all. But I could be here for information. I knew they wouldn't just let me leave, so I'd be stuck here no matter what the decision. I may as well make the best of that time. Plus I should get to know my mom. I want to, and she seems to want to know me so I should try. And maybe spending some time with Hux wouldn't be terrible.

"Okay." I said looking up after that moment of thinking. He actually looked somewhat shocked. I bet he expected me to not give in so easily. For me to take more convincing. His eyes went back to normal, though they looked slightly different. He stood up, grabbed his jacket. He started to put it on before stepping to the door.

"Follow me. I'll show you to your living quarters." Hux said glancing at the camera before the doors opened. People are without a doubt watching. They were probably listening as well. "And by the way, call me General in front of others. It's a power thing." He said before stepping out. I stood up and followed him.

"Your living quarters are directly between mine and Phasma's. Ren's is next to mine. You're being taken very seriously here (Y/N). We want to make you comfortable." He said walking through the hallways, knowing exactly where he was going. I don't know how, all the hallways were identical.

"We're going to have to ask you to not wear that jacket around the Starkiller base. We're not going to ask you to rid yourself of it, we know it means a lot to you because of your father. But it is Resistance, and our pilots will take you seriously wearing it." Hux said slowing down a small bit. We reached a door labeled living quarters.

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