>> ten <<

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"You are DISGUSTING." I said as I came to a dead end. I didn't know this place well enough. Now I'm stuck talking to him.

"(Y/N) please let me explain myself." He said before I cut him off quickly.

"What is there to explain Hux?! You don't trust me! I told you I'd stay and now you want to kill the one person that's been there for me all my life to make sure I do? Even though I said I would!" I said feeling more tears erupt from me. He took a step closer to me and I held a hand up to stop him from approaching me.

"(Y/N) I can't lose you. And I know that when it comes down to it, when Poe is right here in front of you, you're going to leave. He's been here your whole life and I've known you a total of maybe a week or two. (Y/N) you are my everything. These last two weeks have been the best two weeks of my entire life. I've been happy, my work has been better, I just, I can't lose you now." He said tears collecting in his eyes. Hux was about to cry. Hux, he never cries. I felt an urge to hug him, but I knew I couldn't. I was still furious with him.

"Well that doesn't mean kill me father! Maybe I don't want to go back to the Resistance but I definitely don't want the one person that's been there for me since the beginning of time to die. I really value the First Order and I want to stay here but that doesn't mean my dad has to die Hux." I explained, my anger releasing slightly and tears filling my eyes too. Hux nodded slightly, looking down from the eye contact we had to look at his feet defeated.

"You know (Y/N), I think you're the only person that will ever prove me wrong and me accept it." He said taking a step towards me, but this time, I didn't stop him. I moved closer to him. "(Y/N) I understand. I'm sorry. I just, my parents are dead. So, I honestly don't know what it's like to have a family. I don't know that bond. But I understand now that you do, and I will call off plans to eliminate your father. I'm sorry. Please forgive me (Y/N) I don't know if I can take you being mad at me for another second."

I took the final step between us, putting our bodies inches apart. I brought my arms up to neck and gently wrapped them around him. He hesitantly used his hands to place them on my hips, pulling me closer before wrapping his arms around my waist in a strong hug. I rested my head on his chest and he buried his head into my neck. I smiled, no one has ever made me feel like this before. No one. The way Hux makes me feel is, magical.

"I forgive you. Just, talk to me next time okay? You know I'm here." I said pulling away and wiping the tears running down his pale face. His eyes were red and his smile gentle. He rested a hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately before pulling away and straightening out his attire.

"I know. I'm sorry. Do you want me to cancel working? I will. We can go eat early or we can go hang out in my room." He said letting his thumb rub my cheek. I smiled gently before shaking my head for a no.

"No it's okay. Go work. Cancel the plans. I'm going to go see Phasma. Oh yeah, and the thing I actually came here for, did spare parts come in? Because I was looking for a heat regulator and I can't find them anywhere." I said looking at him curiously. For a second, I could tell he wasn't sure either. But then it obviously hit him.

"Oh yeah. They came in last night. But we're short staffed right now so no one has moved them to the TIE Fighter wing. They should be in the shipping bay. You're welcome to ask Phasma to take you there. I'm gonna head back." He said grabbing my hand and walking back towards his office. I felt myself smile and my heart flutter. Being with Hux just made me all giddy.

"Thank you. I'll come get you for dinner. Sound good?" I asked as we stopped in front of his office door. He reached for my cheek and kissed my lips gently. I was smiling more than I ever have. Hux made me so happy.

We parted and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He was so amazing. I've never in my entire life fallen so hard for someone as hard as I'm falling for Hux. He's just special to me. He makes me so happy. He makes me happier than anyone has. It's just a magical feeling.

"Hey Phasma?" I asked as I slipped into the room. She was sitting at her office, full suited. She turned around and pulled her helmet off. She had a smile on her face and stood up.

"Hey! What's up?!" She said walking over to me excitedly. I smiled and walked in more.

"I was hoping we could just chill, talk. Hux is working and he called off pilot training today. So I decided to come see you." I said moving to an empty chair in her office. She smiled and sat down in her chair.

"I'm glad. I'd love to talk. I don't have something for another couple hours so I'd love to talk to you." She said running a hand through her somewhat sweaty hair. I can see where I got my eyes from. Hers sparkled just like mine. Or at least that's what I've heard from my dad.


And so we talked. A lot. Phasma and I are a lot more similar than I had even imagined. With Hux not here, I feel like we were able to open up a little more. She explained her situation after my birth and it was a little easier to grasp. I wasn't as hurt as before. Granted, she was nothing compared to Poe, but it wasn't bad to have someone who I can talk to.

"So what's up with Hux? I can sense something there." She asked kicking back in her chair. I smiled and felt a blush unfold on my face. Where do I begin with him?

"He's, he's perfect. I really really like him. And last night we kissed. I think we're kind of official. I'm not sure. It's only been a day. But I really really like him. And I think he likes me too." I said with a stupid smile on my face. She had a smile on hers too. It was nice. Talking to my actual mom about a boy I really like.

"I'm glad! I've been waiting for him to get a girl. He needs to lighten up a bit. Just didn't expect that girl to be my daughter." She said with a laugh. I smiled slightly. "I'm really happy for you guys. You guys seem good for each other."

"I'd like to think so." I said with the biggest smile. Never been happier.

disgusting - General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now