>> five <<

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"Hey (Y/N) I really think you should start talking to your mother. What you and Phasma are doing is really childish." Hux said over the speaker. I sighed. Hux and I have made it a a frequent thing to talk before bed. Well, before my bed. He usually stays up way later. Or so I've been told. Who knows if he ever actually falls asleep though.

"Well I'm here to try and grow closer to her. But I'm just nervous Hux. This woman abandoned me when I was barely even alive. Left me to not even take a pick. I was stuck living with my dad in the Resistance and I couldn't even choose what I wanted. I feel like if I tried talking to her, I would just get really mad."

"What if I came with you? Maybe instead of our traditional you and I lunch, we can invite Phasma. Then we can have dinner tonight and talk about it. Just you and I." He really wanted me to talk to her. And I didn't really want to go against Hux because he's my general. And I now have resolved that I really like him.

"I don't know Hux. I don't think you realize how hard this is for me. I've done nothing but hate her since I could think. This is crazy. Being here." I said starting to get emotional. He didn't understand what it was like to be abandoned by one of you parents. He told what happened to his parents, and this way far from it.

"I understand (Y/N). But I just think Phasma would really like it if you did. She's starting to get restless. And she's not working as hard because she wants to meet you."

"Okay. I guess if you come with me, I'll talk to her. You have to come though. Or else I'll freak out and just run out." I said running my hand through my hair. I heard him laugh slightly on the other end of the speaker.

"Sounds like you need me. How sweet." He said with a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes and sorta chuckled. He was such a flirt sometimes. Or at least I hope that's what he was doing.

"Funny Hux. But you can't blame me. You're like the only friend I have here. And I'm probably one of your only friends as well so you can't say anything." I heard him laugh and then a yawn closely followed. He was so tired. I don't know if he's ever actually gone to bed the last few nights. "Hey Hux, as your friend, I'm telling you to get some rest."

"You know I don't sleep (Y/N)."

"Well I'm just telling you, you do your best work well rested. And it seems your never rested so maybe you get more work done, but it's just antiquate."

"If anyone else in the world had said that, I would have killed them. You're lucky I like you." I felt myself blush. Everything he said caused me to blush wildly. I just like him so much and the thought of it being mutual is mind blowing.

"Well I'm glad you do too. But promise me you'll go to sleep?"

"I guess. You make a good point. So I guess I can actually go to sleep. But I'll be up early. You can guarantee that."

"Well then I guess I'll just have to go so you can get to bed." I heard him scoff offended. I sorta chuckled.

"I mean, you don't have to." He said obviously a bit nervous. How cute.

"I want you to get sleep Hux. And I'm tired myself. I'll see you tomorrow. Meet me before lunch?"

"Of course. I'll meet you in the hangar. Since tomorrow is your first day as head pilot I don't want you to lose any time meeting me in my office." I smiled. I couldn't help it. He was so sweet. So cute. Ugh. I shouldn't be falling for basically the leader of the First Order.

"Awesome. I'll talk to you then General." I said with a mocking tone at General. He wants me to call him General in public, but he hates it when we're just talking him and I. He says it makes our friendship sound to professional.

"I'll talk to you then pilot." I rolled my eyes and put my speaker down on my end table. What an idiot. Well, a very cute idiot.

I couldn't fall asleep. I was so nervous for lunch tomorrow that my brain was working to hard to even sleep. I was tossing and turning. Trying to find any position to sleep in. Though my head wasn't letting me get the sleep I desired.

Suddenly I heard something. Over the speaker. I reached for it and held it closer to my ear. I think it was Hux snoring.

"Hux?" I whispered softly. I didn't know if he was messing with me or if he was actually asleep. If he was actually asleep, that is adorable.

He didn't answer. He must have hit the talk button while in his sleep. I just imagined Hux sleeping in the other room. Just next door to mine. I couldn't help but smile. I set the speaker down next to my pillow and tried to go to sleep. Actually succeeded with the smooth, soft breathes of the General next to.

Next day

I sat in the hangar. Waiting for Hux to come pick me up. My heart was RACING. I wasn't ready to meet my mom well, talk to her. I met her the first day I got here but it definitely wasn't a nice mother daughter chat. I was freaking out. Worried I'd start yelling at her, or break down in front of Hux.

"Finish early?" A tall red head asked walking towards me. I smiled at the sight of a friendly face. Others really though Hux was a hardass but I really like him. I know him really well. Probably better than anyone else here. He doesn't seem like the type to open up.

"I let the pilots out for lunch a slight bit early. I needed a minute to gather myself. Can you blame me?" I said walking up next to him. He turned and walked next to me, our strides together rather than me following like we used to be.

"No. I'm not mad." Hux said looking at me with a quick sympathetic smile. He usually didn't smile at me in public, though he knows I need it right now. So I was guessing he was making an exception for this one scenario. "We're going to make it through this. Together." He said with a serious sense of caring. I was shocked. He's never really been this straight forward before. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks darken to a red shade.

"Yeah. We will." Was all I could croak out. He smiled and walked into the cafeteria with me. Here we go. Here was the huge moment.

disgusting - General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now