>> nine <<

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The next day, I woke up to a beautiful red head laying next to me. He was already awake and he was smiling at me.

"How long you been up?" I asked curiously. He smiled and pulled me close to him. Closer than I already was. He kissed my forehead gently.

"Not long. But I enjoyed watching you sleep. It's relaxing." He said running his free hand to brush a piece of loose hair out of my face.

"You're funny." I said sitting up. I wiped my eyes and looked for a clock. It was 12 already. Wait a minute! I had training at 10!

"Stop worrying. I already told the pilots they had no training today. Trust me, they were glad to hear it. You must work them hard." He said sitting up and nudging me. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He needs to stop cancelling my sessions. I need to get some work with my pilots in.

"You're killing me Hux." I said with a laugh. He smiled and grabbed my hand hesitantly. I grabbed his hand and nuzzled up into him. He chuckled lightly and kissed my forehead.

"Do you wanna talk about this?" He said pulling away and running a hand through my hair. I looked at him nervously.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked looking at him concerned. He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

"Well I don't know it may be cheesy but I like to know how you feel." He said with a mocking smile. I blushed and nudged him.

"I mean, I've always thought you were really cute. And then we started talking and I felt myself getting closer and closer to you and what can I say? You won me over General." He was smiling the whole time. Man he was adorable.

"Well I mean, that's adorable. But I'm going to tell this like a story tale. Because I'm secretly a romantic." He said swooning jokingly. He was so dorky. "Well I've never even thought about liking someone. My work was way to much and I just thought it'd be easier to keep myself to myself. Well then you showed up and messed up my entire life plan (Y/N). I immediately started to fall for you but I was still trying to stick to myself. Well then I couldn't help it and we started talking nights and you cared like no one else did and I couldn't help but start falling for you."

"I'm sure Ren told you I was the one who asked for your training. Because I didn't want you to be taken from me and that's what I was worried about. So I set up training for you and Ren said you did well and all was well. Then all these plans hit me and this is honestly the most stressed I've been in my whole life. And you asked to come over and I couldn't help but say yes. And you came over and I told myself not to kiss you but I honestly couldn't help myself. You're amazing and (Y/N) I really really like you."

"I really really like you too Hux. I really do." I said when he finished his super sweet and romantic spiel. I curled up in his lap and relaxed against him.

"And now, we can be somewhat happy together while we nervously await the attack of the Resistance. We know it's coming. It's just a topic of when." He said frustrated. I reached up and smiled at him.

"Stop worrying darling." I said stroking his cheek. His hair fell perfect over his forehead. A style I don't see enough. "They aren't coming now so don't worry."

"It could be any day, any time, any place. I'm worried they're going to take you from me. I'm not ready for that (Y/N). I just got comfortable with a woman and she can't be taken from me this easily." I turned to face him better and he looked at me distraught. I stroked his face and kissed his lips gently.

"Who says they'll take me? Hux I have had training, I can fend for myself." I said reaching for his hands. He looked up at me and smiled gently. He kissed me gently before pulling away.

"I guess you make a good point (Y/N)." He said happily. "I need to get some stuff done today. How about you stay here, and I'll head out to work and I can come back and we can go to dinner?" He said kissing my cheek. I smiled, wrapping myself in his blanket. He smiled at me and shook his head jokingly.

"I guess that works. I'll just sit here and be bored." I said throwing myself back on his comfortable bed. He chuckled slightly before walking over and kissing me passionately.

"Oh come on." He said jokingly. "Just wait for me and then we can go get dinner? Just like everyday."

"I'm going to go work on my TIE Fighter. It overheated last time I used it and I haven't worked on it since." He pouted at me and I stood up to meet his arms. "I'll work on it and then come get you. Because let's be honest, you're going to get lost in your work and not come back for me."

"Good point." He said laughing. I smiled and kissed his cheek and he pulled on his clothes for work.

"I'll go work, maybe stop by Phasma's station and say hi then I'll come visit you. Deal?" I asked grabbing his hair gel and putting some in my hand. I ran it through his hair and he pulled his professional cloak on. He smiled as I did his hair. He kissed me gently before looking at it in the mirror.

"Deal." He said with a smile. "And nice job. I'm proud." He said making one small adjustment and kissing my cheek before grabbing a stack of paper and walking to the door.

"I try." I said walking over and leaving a kiss on his cheek. I straightened his coat out and looked up at him happily. "I'll see you later dearest."

"Boy am I glad I kissed you last night." He kissed me gently before stepping out and letting the door close.

I decided to go back to bed for awhile. I was awake really late last night before coming over to Hux's room. I climbed into his bed and fell back asleep for awhile.

I woke back up not to long after. Maybe an hour. I got up and remembered I was in Hux's room. It was so weird to think I just slept in him bed. And that we kissed. And that we're kinda together now. Wow yeah. That's different.

I decided to go back to my room before going out to do my own work. I didn't want anyone to see me though. I didn't know if Hux wanted this secret or not. I slipped out of his room and right back into mine. I don't think anyone say me but I can't be certain.

I needed a shower. I felt kind of dirty. I slipped into the shower and began to clean up. Wow this shower was relaxing. I was able to think about something besides work for once.

I was thinking about my dad. If he came, I don't know what I would do. I could battle off soldiers but if I came face to face to him, I don't know what I would do. He'd ask me to come back with him and I'd be at a loss of works. I don't know if I can leave Hux. I love my father but Hux and I only just built something. I can't leave that.

I finished my shower slowly and got dressed in black jeans, a black tank top, and my black leather jacket. I pulled my wet, brushed hair into a bun and applied some light make up. I smiled and walked out. I feel wonderful now.

I took a direct route to the hangar. My TIE Fighter was right where I had left it. It was newly polished and it looked nice, it just doesn't work. I needed to do this before I needed to use it so I'm glad Hux and I agreed on this.

Parts were no where to be found. I needed a new heat regulator. Though I couldn't find it anywhere. Hux said they were getting new spare parts but they were supposed to get here yesterday.

I walked out and decided I'd ask Hux where they were. He was bound to know, he runs this entire place. I would be surprised if he didn't know.

"We must eliminate Poe Dameron. (Y/N) will want to leave if he's part of the equation." Hux said this. He must be kidding. He's going to kill my father?

"What?" I said stepping into the office of workers sitting at monitors. Hux spun around and looked at me petrified. I felt tears jerking at my eyes. His face fell and he looked at me distraught.

"(Y/N) wait." He said but I was already running on the opposite direction. How could he do this? How could he betray me like this?

Maybe he's just not who I thought he was.

disgusting - General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now