Well Then...

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It was a moon sense you where attacked by the Riverclan cat and were even more jumpy and skiddish then before. You absolutly hated being jumpy but nervousness would bit at your stomach viciously everytime you went near a border.

Youwere teased by the warriors around your age because of this and usually shunned their company and moved your nest even farther away from the other cats. You minded the cold that bit at your ear while you slept but it was better then having burrs put in your nest or being thrown from your nest violently, always speeding up your heart in panic.

You sat alone on the outskirts of the camp enjoying a bird when something hit your head. You jumped to your paws, bristling with fear as your tormentors laughed.

You growled and spat at them "haha so funny. Your so funny I forgot to laugh."

"Aww is little kitty upset?" sneered heathertail (lol I said the first name I thought of)

You looked at your paws.

"I' not a kitty."

"Hmm you sure? As I remember your parents died before you could remember. Are you sure your not a kitty?"

Your throat felt dried and your nose burned with sadness. You turned and fled out into tne moors, not caring or feeling where you were going. You dropped by a tree near the thunderclan border and heaved with breaths, each one seeming to get caught in your chest.

You looked up at the darkening sky and watched Silverpelt through slitted eyes. Suddenly the twisting pain in your heart ceased and unwinded. It wasn't a warm twisting feeling. It was a cold feeling. Very very cold.

When you got back to camp few cats were still out in the clearing and of course Heathertail was amoung them.

"Back for more?" she taunted

You glared uat her with eyes sharper then flind and thrusted your face into hers. She flinched and cowered a bit under your glare.

"No. And you will not treat me like this any longer. If you do I have teeth and claws you best beware of." you spat with all the coldness of the coldest leafbare.

You stamped into the den, kicking tails out of your path way and trowing your nest back to where it was when you first became a warrior.


You woke up at dawn with the same hollow feeling from the other day. You forced yourself to your paws and groomed your shimmering f/c in the early light.

You trotted out of camp and torwards the Riverclan border wanting a fight. The grass rustled and you bristled your fur and pounced at a figure with unsheathed claws.

Their was a grunt and gasp as you knocked the air out of your victim. Someone threw you off your target and you saw Nightcloud.

Then you saw your victim was Crowfeather. You looked at Nightcloud colder then Crowfeather ever did to anyone and grinned inwardly as she flinched away.

"Y/n what was that for?" Crowfeather hissed, regaining his breath.

You turned you sharp-cold glare to him and flicked your tail with frustration. You bounded away without answering and started hissing and spitting at no one. You unsheathed your claws and tore a thin tree to shreds with a few swipes in your anger.

You where still trying tocalm your anger when the grass rustled and you turned, still fuming to see Crowfeather. You hissed and turned back to the tree that was already torn apart.

"Whats your problem. Your never mad." he growled, staring at the broken tree.

"Maybe you should go ask your friend." you spat back with venom

He sighed "Heathertail? And she isn't really my friend."

You turned on him quickly and swiped sheathed paw at him, hitting his muzzle. He stepped back and hissed.

"I'll get you back for that and don't worry about her. You should know this by now."

You snorted and went back to clawong up the tree. You felt a weight on your back but made no move to drop it as you took your anger out on a large sliver of the tree. You finally felt relaxed and tired.

You looked back at the weight and are not surprised when you see a sleeping Crowfeather leaning on you with his chest and face pressed against your spine.

"Stupid furball shouldv'e slept longer while he was in camp." you mumbledu

You gentally slid him to the floor and layed down next to him, feeling tired yourself and falling asleep as Crowfeather used your flank as a pillow.

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