Chapter 9

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My heart begins to race as the thought of my inevitable death runs through my mind. I had to get Al out of here, she will not die because of me. I quickly flash over to her and grabbed her hand then suddenly see the vision she's having.

It's raining and I could hear a girl screaming my name in terror as two large men dressed in all write grab her and throw her into the back of an old creepy hearse like vehicle and slam the door shut. Then immediately my eyes begin to tear up as I see a face between the long dark brown hair. The terrified girl screaming for me is Al. All of a sudden her father comes out and starts pointing at me and yelling "Her too! She's crazy as well. Her father is a monster and so is she!"

The two men try and grab me but their strength is nothing compared to mine, they soon realize that as I throw them off of me with ease and into the large crowd that had gathered around us to see the spectacle. I can hear the gasp and see the shock in their faces as I stand there and dare someone else to try and get in my way. No one steps forward and instead start backing away, but before I could open the vehicle door, I stop as I hear a familiar voice coming from the direction of our home and just as I was about to make my next move the vision is over.

"That's not the first time I've had that vision, and every time it's the same. They take me away and." Al starts to explain.

"And what, Al?" I ask.

"I- don't see your future anymore." She says as she stares into my eyes.

"What does that mean?" I say with worry on my face.

"That's only ever happened once, with my mom." She doesn't continue as we both now exactly what that means.

"I need to get you out of here Al, I'll run you to the nearest train station mom has money we can give you, it'll be enough for you to start somewhere new. Everything will be ok, you'll be ok Al." I say trying to reassure her.

"Girls! What are you doing go pack!" Mom yells from her room.

"Wait mother's necklace, it's a pearl necklace she gave me before she died, I'm not leaving without it." Al says as she makes her way to the front door.

"No wait I need to get you out of-" I start to say.

"Aloura I'm not leaving without the only thing I have left of my mother, please I'll be right back, and I need to say goodbye to my little sister." She says with a stern face that still had tears running down it.

"Ok but please be quick and be careful don't let them see you, I'll have your things packed and ready before you get back then I'll run you to the station." I say pulling her to me as I hug her as tight as I can without hurting her.

"I will." She says then pulls away and heads out the door.

I turn and head for the stairs, "It's ok Aloura," I have to catch my self as a vision of a beautiful pale women with long caramel brown hair and golden eyes smiles and wipes away tears from my face then pulls me to her chest and rubs my head. "Everything will be ok," She says. I feel as though my heart was literally crumbling away as she holds me. Then I'm back standing in my living room as mother stands only feet from me with concern and worry so clearly displayed on her face.

"What did you see?" She ask.

"A women comforting me, I've never seen her before though." I start to explain.

"Mother what about father, he's needs to know about this." I say looking into her big brown eyes.

"I know love, run down to his office and get him and hurry back." She says as she hugs me, then I quickly make my way to my father.

As I run down the muddy road leading into the town I hear a long rumble followed by a loud crack! I look up to see the sky almost consumed by dark clouds, with the brilliant lightning as the only light escaping from inside the thick skies. The warm rain covers my body, but I just keep running only to realize that in Al's vision it was raining just like this. As quickly as I remember that, I hear it, that scream from before.


"Al." I say in a low whisper I barley hearing it myself.

I run towards the screaming and everything plays out just as we saw it in the vision. Just as I go to reach for the vehicles door I hear it, the familiar voice coming from the direction of our home, that didn't belong to my mother. Suddenly as though being hit by the powerful lightning above us I realize where that voice is from and why I'd rather be hit by that lightning then hear it again.

I had to make a decision, do I save Al or do I run to help my mother? As incredibly hard as it is, I know the choice I need to make. When I look back at Al, her eyes tell me she knows just as well then she yells "Go!"

"I'll find you! You hear me Alice, I Will find you!" I say as I put my hands on the glass and look into her eyes then quickly run back home.

It didn't matter to me that I showed not only my strength but my speed in front of those humans. Their lives were short and they'd be dead in a decade or two, what do I care. The only thing I could think about is getting back to my mother. Father would have to wait, and unfortunately so would Al.

The strong winds and the loud thunder made me even more uneasy. The tall trees swaying back and forth with the intense lightning above them added even more pressure for me to hurry and get back. I could still hear Al's crying in the background as they drive off with her, making it even more difficult to stay focused. Soon I smell a strange but almost beautiful and calming smell and the closer I get the stronger the smell is.

Just as I finally make it back home the door is open more like gone, that smell was coming from inside. My vison settles as I slowly walk inside. The living room is a complete mess, chairs thrown, glass almost all over the floor and the table is flipped on its side with something black stuck under it in a dark red puddle. The smell was all around me and as I look around the destroyed room, I could only think "where are you".

My legs start to tremble as I walk through our destroyed home. Even though it was pouring outside, the only sound that echoed through my ears was my fast and loud heartbeat practically beating through my chest. I walk towards the dark puddle, my hands start to shake and sweat as I get closer and closer.

The light above the table causes the puddle to grow brighter and brighter with each step. Thoughts swarm through my mind of what this is but I refuse to listen to them. I slowly walk around to see, then suddenly my throat is tight and I can't breathe. I fall to my knees and let out the only sound I can, a short weak and painful gasp then tears run down my face one after another with no delay. As I look at the body almost entirely covered in blood, I see her soft, still russet face.


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