Chapter 16

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  I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her long flowing, white beaded silk dress clinging to her beautiful pail body, as we dashed through the tall swaying longwood trees. Thoughts of her pure rage flowed into mine. Her smooth blonde hair danced in the brisk air as we drew closer to her first kill as a newborn.

"Rosalie, wait up." I say just about a yard behind. It's not that I couldn't keep up, she was so determined on getting revenge to realize, there were going to be innocent people around the vile ones we're after. We can't risk them getting in the way, or us being seen in such a public place.

  "Rosalie Stop!"

  She was angry, of course, but I've already seen the outcome multiple different times. One way or another, she would rightfully get her justice. I just needed to make sure no others died in the process. By her hands that is, mine were already red, what's a little more going to hurt. I'm quickly in front of her with my hand on her shoulder before hers are at my neck.

"Get out of my way. You will not stop me!" She yells.

"I'm not trying to child. I just need you to be a little patient, at least until the children are gone." Her eyes widen as she let's go of me. She's immediately filled with turmoil. Not wanting to hurt anyone else but those disgusting creatures, but she also doesn't want to lose their trail.

"You won't do either. I won't let that happen, just wait a few more minutes. One of them is about to use the washroom, you can get him then if you'd like." I say, turning to stare off in their direction.

"How did you know that's what I was-. Can you read minds or something?" Her tone still as angry.

"It's a newly acquired gift. It comes in quite handy when the time calls for it." I say in a low voice.

"Stay the hell out of my head. Let's get something straight, I'm not your charity case. When this is done I'm out of here." She turns me towards her, in hopes of intimidating me. But she'll see soon enough, she's in it for the long run.

"What ever you say."

  A few minutes go by and soon enough, we see her first target. His drunken demeanor gave her all she needed before she had him by the neck and tossed him down a dim lit alley. We could hear his first through fifth ribs on his right side break as his fragile body bounced of the wall then hits the cold ground.

  He began gasping for air as he tried to stand up. Before he could, Rosalie had already broken his left leg, and he was back on the ground screaming in pain. We still had about 2 minutes before the group he was with finds him. No matter, that was more than enough time for her to have a little fun.

  "What do you want? Money. I have money, here take it!" He screams as he  pulls out the worthless paper and coins, then throws it at her feet.

  I made sure to stay a good distance away while she got her revenge. This was her battle, I had no right to intervene unless it got out of control. I'm actually pretty surprised to see her doing so well, I would've slaughtered him by now. Her self control is very impressive.

"Do you remember me?" She asked, every word sounding angelic.

"What do you want from me? Who the hell are you!" She steps into the dim light, and his blue eyes widen in fear.

"NO! Your dead, you were bleeding out I saw you. Your dead." His voice shaky as he reaches for his pocket knife.

  CRACK! His arm just hangs there as she gets close enough to feel his disgusting breath on her face. He continues to scream and beg to no prevail. Unfortunately, we we're going to have to cut this short as his friends draw near.

Crescent Moon: Aloura CullenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang