Chapter 13

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  The sounds of my crying filled the room for days before I finally fell asleep, only to be awaken by screams from the haunting memory of my parents being murdered infront of me. Esme got used to comforting me when that happened, so she usually just stayed by my side while I cried. Carlisle would come in with food every couple of days but I refused each time. I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker as I laid in silence and pure agony.

  My mind kept replaying all the ridiculous arguments I had with my parents or Al and I felt so foolish for each one. No amount of crying or heart ache could ever bring my parents back and it wasn't going to help me find Alice, but it's all I'm capable of doing. The pain is my only reminder they were real, that they all were.

"That's not true, your love and the love they had for you, that's your reminder." Said a smooth voice coming from the doorway.

"H-how did you know that's what I was, wait can you-" I started to say in a weak voice.

"Yes, I can read your thoughts, its my gift and from what I saw and from what Carlisle told us, its yours now as well." He explained.
"But you can't read mine, not because your incapable but simply, you're too weak. You haven't fed or eaten anything in weeks." He continued.

"It hasn't been that long, I'll be-" I started to say.

"Wrong again, you think you've been in here for a few days, its been 3 months Aloura. You're starving yourself, you're dying." He said as he walked over to my bedside. He sat next to me and the light from the oil lamp seemed to dance on his beautiful face. He grab my hand and continued.

"I lost my parents as well, my mother not too long ago. So I do understand the pain you feel, but I also know that from the happy memories I can see, they wouldn't want to see you this way." His voice so soothing and stern.

"They all loved you Aloura, remember that. Their love was genuine and strong, I know your parents wouldn't want you to live the rest of the life they fought for to have, like this." He said, never once taking his eyes off mine.

"And your best friend, she's a new born now. She'll need you." He said opening my locket then turning it toward me.

  My eyes began to water as I thought about all the birthdays and family time I got to spend with them. All the valuable lessons they taught me, all the stories of my mothers tribe, the history of my Irish father who was turned by the same man that turned my godfather Carlisle. The nights me and Al would stay up staring at the beautiful night sky, or her always wanting to play dress up. The times when mother and father would tell us how they met.

"Stop! I don't want to see this!" I yelled.

"Oh I can't show you memories, I can only see them, this is you." he said as he took a wet towel and rub it across my forehead.

"Its my fault, I was too slow when they attacked my father. I wasn't even back yet when they got mother." The tears streamed down my face with no signs of stopping.

"You can't blame yourself for what the Volturi did Aloura." He said gently sitting me up and simultaneously handing me a cup of water he already poured.

"If they didn't have me, they would still be alive." I say, staring at the half full glass.

"And they wouldn't have been nearly as happy if you weren't apart of their life. Edwards right, you can't live this way. " Carlisle says as he walks in with a plate of food Esme maid for me.

"Aloura, my brother and Haniya loved you very much, you know that. Everything they did, they did for you. My brother knew the risk when he left the Volturi, and he'd do it again if it meant being you're father and Haniya's husband." He says as he places the plate down and sits beside me.

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