Episode 3 bye bye hoe

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-Next morning.-

-Star cooking-

-Tiffany on computer-

-Jennifer outside smoking a cigarette with Morgan-

Jennifer- At the end of the day I love star like if I could choose to be with her outside the house I would but at the end of the day she can't suspect me to just drop my feelings after being hurt like that from a person that I clique with and now that tiff fucked up, the only person I had was star and now that i fucked that up I have no one.

Morgan- I'm here but if you looking for that somebody who would ride for you in that wa you need star back. Because tiff played you on television and lstar was their through it all. I mean you have to look back and see who really ride for you. And she was really hurt yesterday because that whole day I never seen her smile so much. Like it brighten my day so for you to do some shit like that it offend me real talk.

Popup- Vainty- I hear Morgan and Jay talking outside and in my head I'm like you need to be saving that sob story for star instead of crying out your heart to Morgan. You did star bogus and that being said I can't keep my mouth shut.

Vainty walk outside.

Vainty- not to be in anyone business but cmon now Jay you know what you was doing like you know that they don't get along so why hug up on the chick when you susposed to be upstairs with the girl that really love you tho. Like that's really shady doe. And you spilling it all out to Morgan. But telling her oh this that and the third Anit helping your relationship. Like no hard feelings but you acting hella shady tho.

Morgan- V Hol up she wanted to talk to me tho.

Jennifer- *stand up* yeah it was shady but that's wasn't my attention! I wanted to see if tiff was good because when it all crumbles down I liked her too. So for any bitch to say I'm shady for my heart to be broken can kiss my ass. Real shit! I love everyone I have a big heart! *walks inside*


Star- I want to do something to get it off my mind off of Jennifer.

Nina- She just really blue me.

Star- And crying about it just makes me want to cry more.

Nina- Yeah its going to be okay but we need to get that Tiffany bitch out!

Star- Yass.

-Meanwhile downstairs-

Vanity- When is this bitch going to get off the phone.

Morgan- She always on the phone

Popup- Morgan- All Tiffany weak ass do is be on the fucking computer or on the fucking phone! This bitch on this shit from sun up to sun down! So it's bout time I say something

*Vision of Tiffany on the phone*


Tiffany- what the hell is wrong with you!

Morgan- *walks in phone room* get the fuck out! you be on this phone day in and day out!

Tiffany- all you do is be on bullshit!

Morgan- bitch your boring! Your boring! *gets in her face* Your boring!

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