Cat Got Your Tongue?

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The Brigade was followed by a silver and black carriage. As Blue was dragged to the fountain, a human man exited the forbidding structure. His form looked vaguely familiar. He walked at a slow, measured pace, careful not to frighten her. When he got closer, she realized he was Jonathan. The only thing about him that was the same as yesterday were his beautiful amber eyes.

She was scared of the guardsmen, so much that she was silent. They were big, scarily muscular. They were also in thier native skin, and it was pale yellow. Thier hair was coal black.
Jonathan smiled at her.
"Are you afraid, Blue?"
"Don't be. 'Be not afraid, and you will prosper'." he quoted.
"Is that a Myluian philosopher?"
"Yes. Ninyish. He's my favorite."
"My favorite is Riviera. Ninyish was crazy."
"Maybe that's why I like him."
She wondered at him. He was so complex, just outside comprehension. He smiled, inviting a response.
She laughed, meanly. Jonathan looked hurt.
"What?" he asked.
"I just realized how silly this is. Me, standing in the centre of town, talking to a nightsap nobleman."
"It's not silly. I like-"
Then the Palace Gaurd rode in. Led by Lucian, of course.
"Damn...." Jonathan exhaled.

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