Chapter 21

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"Bo!" I heard his demanding voice.

Like a hunted fox I looked around nervously, trying to find an escape option.  I had to disappear somewhere and try not to run - I still didn't want to be like a girl in the movies. With my head down I fast-walked down the street.

"Please stop running from me, Bo!" Harry shouted pushing himself through the pedestrians.

He came after me, shirtless and barefoot. I wanted to go back and say sorry, but this was the right thing for me to do, for us to do. He could take a different girl home every night and I would wait for somebody, who only had eyes for me. In fact our whole relationship had gone by way too fast. From a plane, to a kiss, to a date, to a relationship?
When I turned around, Harry stood there staring right into my eyes. I tugged my hood on and walked towards a bus station. The darkness was scary and I wished I had just called a taxi. My body shrugged with every unknown sound I heard. The bus finally pulled up, I bought a ticket and sat down behind the driver, closest to the door. The phone in my pocket vibrated.

Please let me know 
When you're home safe.
I'm sorry, Bo.

Love       -H

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it off quickly. Harry was just being him, kind and well mannered. He was probably going to meet up with Kendall tonight and forget about me. He'd waste some more thoughts on me in the next couple of days and then he'd move on, I'd do the same. With fast steps I stalked to my apartment building and slammed the door close behind me. I typed the words 'Home'  on the display and send it to Harry. There was no reply. Not even after I had taken a shower and crawled into my bed, checking my messages again. Nothing.


It was Monday again. My limbs weak, my thoughts clouded I sat through every class. I hadn't heard from Harry since the incident on the Wednesday before and I was positive he had forgotten about me already. The thing that frustrated me was my own stupidity. I should've known better in the first place. 

"Ehrm, Bo?" My head rose from its hanging position.

"What? Sorry..."

"It's okay - I just asked if you'd like to go get lunch with me tomorrow?" Damon smiled.

"Me? I...uhm...I...I can't...My lunch is...ehm..." The bell rang and I jumped up, telling him sorry and goodbye. 

I couldn't spend my lunch with him because Damon wasn't my kind of guy. The fact that he wasn't at all like Harry stood in the way. 


Thank god, the girls and I were meeting up at Jade's place tonight, to hangout and watch movies. I put the cake I had baked earlier into the back of my car and waited for Cleo to join me. Jade's apartment was ten driving minutes away because it was on the other side of the campus. The others were already there, screaming and clapping when we walked in. 

"We're complete - FINALLY!" Sierra sang and danced into the living room.

"Well, Cleo needed more time for her makeup than expected!" She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well - let's not waste time and start watching..." 

"And eating!" Ava added.

We all gathered around Jade's flat screen, with pillows and blankets watching The Lion King. I checked my phone to see what time it was and noticed an unread message from half an hour ago.

Turn on Ellen and watch.


"Uhm guys", their heads turned to me, "Would you mind if we watch Ellen for a while?"

Margo switched to channel 23.

"Isn't that Harry?" Gigi pointed. 

It was him, on Ellen, with the other guys. The show must have already been going on for a while because they were in the middle of being asked about a thousand questions.

The interview on TV, while the girls are watching

"So you guys know me quite well by now", the boys nod and smile at Ellen, "So I guess you know that I'm going to ask you the question, right?"

"Ellen, you wouldn't be you if you wouldn't ask us!" Niall laughed and leaned back on the sofa.

"Drum roll please", her requested sound was played in the background, "Hands up if you're single!"

Nialls hands went up first, then Liam's followed by Zayn's and Louis', but Harry just sat there with a smirk on his lips. The look on Ellen's face was enough to make him sit up and chuckle.

"Don't look at me like that!" He grinned.

"Well...Tell me more then!" She pretended to scoot closer to the couch.

"I don't want to put her on the sport like that!" Harry ruffled through his hair.

"Let's start like this: You are dating a girl, yes", he nodded, "Just say her first name or where did you meet her?"

"We met on a plane from New York to London." My eyes about plopped out of my head.

"And it was love at first sight?" I was wondering about where Ellen got all those questions, so quickly.

"She caught my eye."


"I'm used to know a lot about the girls I go out with. They talk a lot, about themselves and ask me a ton of questions, but she's different. Looking at her you'd never expect her to be who she is. I tried flirting with her and all she did was nod and give sassy replies", he paused for a second, "I think what made me want her the most was something she said before she fell asleep on my arm."

The camera first showed Ellen's eyes, begging him to tell her more and then the audience's holding their breath. 

"What was is?" The host almost fell out of her chair.

"We started talking about music and I told her I thought she didn't know who I am and her reply to that was something I hadn't heard in years:  I know who you are...But to be honest I don't care too much about that. After all you're just a normal person like everyone else with maybe a few more talents than others."

"What's her name?"


"So she's American?" Ellen's intentions were clear. She was trying to get as much information about me as possible.

"Ellen, as much as I would like to tell you more about her, I can't." Harry said, rubbing his legs.

"At least tell me where she is now? America, London...or?"

"I hope she's in front of the TV watching this right now because my management will rip my head off as soon as this interview is over."

"You risk your head for her? That's romantic?" She giggled.

"I want her to know, that I'm serious. Now that about three, four million know about us - I hope" He turned his face to a camera and it was like he was talking directly to me, "I hope she knows how much she means to me."

The audience went wild with applause and cheers, some people were shown sobbing and smiling. Harry had touched their hearts with his confession and I sat there with my mouth wide open.

"We'll be back after a short break - stay tuned with One Direction!" Ellen said, before the picture was cut and advertisements popped up on the screen.

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