Chapter 23

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While we were driving I thought of something...why...why did she hate me so much...the thing was almost a month ago...I just...didn't understand... Ross looked at me. He rapped his arm around me slowly. I slid away. "Are we at the airport yet?" I said still shaking. Adam nodded. ''s so...quiet...' I thought to myself. "Hey...weren't we supposed to get sushi?" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Oh wanna go get some now?" Adam asked,eyes glued to the road. I nodded. Adam pulled over and changed direction. "We just pasted we need to get everyone's food to." Adam said. "Then let's go!" I said trying to sound happy. Adam and Ross smiled. Finally...everything was almost back to normal. Ross kissed my hand. Ross rapped his arm around me. We pulled into the restaurant. I was speechless. "Crap! There closed!" Adam whined. I giggled. "It's fine. Oh shoot! We need to go or we're gonna miss our flight!" I said. Adam pulled out and hurried to the airport. When we made it we rushed in. "Flight A-1 will be leaving in about an half an hour! Thank you!" The intercom said. "Oh thank God! Only an half an hour... I can wait...sort of." I said thinking about farther. Adam looked at me. He grabbed my hands. " promise you'll come back?" Adam asked. I blushed. "Yes...don't worry..." I said. Adam leaned in close to me. My heart started to pound. He came closer...and...closer...and...closer...our noses touched. " you..." Adam said. "Uh...Adam..." I said pushing him away. "Look I...I know that the whole...Alesa thing is getting to you but...I love Ross...but...I still love a friend..." I said looking down. "Jessica...please...don't go...please..." Adam said crying. He grabbed my shirt. "please...please...I...can't...leave you...please..." Adam pleaded in a shaky voice. "Adam...I'm...I'm sorry..." I said. My eyes started to water. Ross cut in. "Guys we-" Ross started to say until the intercom interrupted. "Flight A-1 will leave in 5 minutes! I repeat! 5 minutes!" The intercom com announced. "We need to go." Ross said picking up our stuff. I hugged Adam. "I'll see you in a couple have my number so you can call me and text me." I said. I wiped Adam's tears with my sweat shirt. "Here...take this..." I handed him my sweat shirt. Adam grabbed the sweat shirt. "Good bye...Jessica..." He said crushed. I hugged him. "Bye!" I said letting go and running to our flight. Adam waved. I waved back. We handed the lady our tickets and ran through the door. 'Finally...I get to see my parents again...hold on dad...I coming' I thought. "don't worry...I'm...coming..." I whispered. And we were off.

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