Chapter 25

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Jessica's POV
When we finished in packing we headed out the door. I jumped into Ross's car and drove off. It took about 3 minutes to get there. We stood at the entrance of the hospital. I stared at the Entrance sign. Ross took my hand. "Come on." He said. We walked in. My heart was pounding out of my chest. We walked up to the desk lady. "Hello! Are you here to visit?" She asked. I looked at her name tag. 'Scarlet...where have I herd that before...' I wondered. "Um mam...mam?" She asked. I snapped out of it. "Huh? Oh! Sorry! Um...Kevin Kawlasaki." I said. "Room 5." She said. I speed walked to the door. I stopped. I looked at the door. "I...I can't do this..." I told Ross. Ross took my hand. "Yes you can. Come on." He said touching the door nob. I grabbed his hand. "Let me go in first...please..." I said. Ross backed away. "Stay out here untill I cue you in." I said like a director. Ross nodded. I grabbed the door nob and slowly turned it. I was finally going to see my dad for the first time in about 4 years!
Adam's POV
'Ug...the annoying...' I thought staring at my wall. I looked at my computer. ' many worried'where is the commentary!' And 'r u ok?'...looks like people are really worried...I should probably make a announcement video so people know I'm fine...' I turned on my camera. I pulled up some Minecraft. I took out my phone and texted the guys in a group chat.
Me:hey...wanna play some try not to laugh?
I was about ready to text Ross when I remembered he wasn't here. I jumped on to my computer. 'Hopefully this will clear my mind...' I thought as I was ready to do my intro.
Jessica's POV
I slowly opened the door. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Before I completely opened it I took a deep breath. 'Ok...I can do this...' I thought. I opened the door. And what I saw almost made my heart break. My mother was sitting on the side of the bed asleep holding my father's hand who was also asleep. I walked over to my farther,and I took his other hand and sat down in the chair on the other side. Ross kneeled next to me holding my other hand. I jumped a little when he touched my finger tips,but settled back in when he held my hand. We waited and waited but they never woke up. "They must be really tired..." I whispered to Ross. He nodded. After at least 2 hours my mother woke up. Her eyes widened. "Sugar!" She whispered quietly. I waved. My dad finally woke up. He looked at me then my mom. " I dead or do I see my daughter?" He asked. My shook her head. They both started to cry. I hugged them. We talked for about an hour. My dad looked at Ross. "Who the *bleep* is this?" He asked getting tense. "Dad...this is Ross...we're...engaged..." I said looking at Ross. My dad froze. He narrowed his eyes at Ross. Then he held out his hand. Ross and him shook hands. "Take care of my daughter...please..." He said. Ross nodded. My jumped up and hugged him. " I have your blessing?" Ross asked. My dad nodded. My mom let go and hugged me. A tear ran her cheek. I wiped it of with my thumb. I hugged Ross. He picked me up. My parents laughed. "Hahahaha...*cough cough*" suddenly my dad started to cough and breath heavy. "! DOCTOR!!! WE NEED A DOCTOR!!! Ross! Go get help!" I yelled. Ross nodded and ran out the door. I grabbed my dad's hand. "daddy...please...don't leave me...not me and mom...please..." I started to cry. My dad wiped a tear off. Ross ran back into the room. " my...daughter..." He said. "Hun...I" He said kissing my cheek. "" I said. He whispered something into my mom's ear then kissed her on the lips. He grabbed Ross by the shirt. "" He said. "HE'S UNSTABLE!" The doctor yelled. At least six more doctors came in. He hooked an IV into his arm. "please..." I said lying my head on the bed. I looked up at the doctor. "*BLEEPING* DO SOMETHING!" I yelled. "Sir...I promise I will...I will take care if her...I promise..." Ross said. My dad's eyes started to shut. "daddy..." I said crying. "" He said. "! NO NO NO! PLEASE DADDY! PLEASE!!! please...plea..." I suddenly heard a was over...he was gone... I started to cry. Ross hugged me. I pushed him away. I held my dad's hand and kissed him on the lips. "daddy...daddy..." I whispered with my head on his chest. I got up and ran out. I ran out the hospital and into the car. Ross and mom ran out after me. Ross jumped into the car. "Take me away from here!" I yelled as my mom got into the car. Ross started to drive. My mom rapped her arms around me. I hugged her. Ross drove us to her house and dropped her off. "Bye love you." I told her as she got out of the van. She hugged me. " you to..." She said. Ross drove us to the air port. I got out and was about ready to grab my bags until Ross came up to me. I hugged Ross as hard as I could. "I love you...don't ever leave me..." I said. Ross nodded and took our stuff. We got onto the plane and headed off. Ross had his arm around me the whole time. He missed my forehead. Then suddenly black.

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