Chapter 1

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Underswap Sans (Blue) -" "
Blackberry (Berry) -{ }

Berry was sitting all alone in his little Anti-Void.He flopped onto his back,and sighed.{When am I going to get out of here..?}

Blue was pacing by his post."Today is the day I finally capture a human!!Mweh heh heh heh heh!!"Now his brother Papyrus,was probably slacking off at his own post,most likely eating honey.

Blue had a skip in his step,as he returned home,to get a quick snack..aka,tacos.His little blue eyes turned to stars,but then returned to normal,after realizing that they were out of both tacos,and ingredients."Hmm..I,the magnificent Sans,shall go get some more ingredients for my delicious tacos!!"His starry eyed look returned.

While heading to the shop,he was greeted by many monsters.
"Hello Sans!"
"Hey Sans!"
"Heya Sansy!"
He smiled,knowing he had many friends to rely on,but one skeleton didn't.That skeleton..that was Berry.

Berry sat up,and for like the 20th time today,attempted to open a portal.He groaned.{Why can't I just leave..?}He laid on the floor,with his tail flicking impatiently.

Suddenly,a small spark and bright light interrupted his thoughts.{Huh?}He looked in front of him,to see a small portal,or a rift,opened up to another universe.{I did it..?I-I did it..!}He smiled and giggled.

He readjusted his glasses,and went into the rift.{Snow..?}He tilted his head,and felt the white powder beneath his feet.His hands trembled.He's never been to another universe,so how he knew this 'white powder' was beyond him.He felt the snow,and smiled.{Snow..}

He sat in the snow,not realizing his portal back home,has closed down behind him.He began to make a small figure,a snowman.He never realized how dark and cold it was getting,either.He was a kid at free will,and he had no intent on returning to the lonely,white place he called home.

The sound of snow crunching,did catch his attention.His head darted up,scanning the area with his little, curious,eyes.{W-who's there..?}He stuttered."What are you doing out here,kiddo?"A lazy voice said.

He looked behind him,and he saw Papyrus.{H-hello..}He said softly, unsure of what to say or think.Paps smiled down at Berry."Hi.."He sat down next to Berry."Whatcha doing out here at this hour?" {U-uh..what do you m-mean..?} "It's dark and cold out,even for skeletons.Where are your parents?"

Berry hesitated.{P-parents..?}Papyrus was taken aback."Siblings..?"He shook his head."Where'd you come from,then?"Berry didn't want to talk,so he just pulled his knees to his chest.Not even a few seconds later,and he was shivering.

"It's to cold out here for you..let me take you back to my place.."Papyrus offered a hand.Berry shakily took the outstretched hand with his own,tricolored one.
Papyrus walked Berry back to their place."My brother is most likely waiting for his bedtime story.."Paps explained."I never did get your name.." {B-Berry..}Berry said shyly.Paps nodded."Papyrus,but Paps is just fine..!"He opened up the door.

Blue glanced over at the door,and saw Papyrus,and a little black skeleton,hiding behind him.He had his hood up,strangely."Papyrus, would you care to explain why you're late for my bedtime story,and why you have another skeleton with you?"The little skeleton,who was a little shorter than Blue,flinched at Blue's words.'Is he not used to others?'Blue thought.

Papyrus motioned to Berry."Sans,this is Berry.He was out in the snow,no parents nor siblings,or anyone watching him.I supposed he could chill with us." "Oh my god, Papyrus.."Blue facepalmed and looked at Berry.

"Hello Berry,if you want,you can just call me Blue!"He smiled.Berry looked at Blue.{H-hello Blue..}He giggled softly."I'm going to be in the kitchen."Papyrus said,before going in the kitchen,and popping open a honey container.

Berry walked to Blue,and smiled softly."May I ask why your hood is up?" {It's p-personal..}Berry mumbled,as he tightened his hood. "Oh,I'm sorry..!"Blue smiled softly. Berry felt safe near Blue,so he spoke up.{I-I could show y-you..It's just..I've never b-been near..others before..}

Blue was taken aback."Never!?"He shook his head."Would you like to show me..??"Berry nodded,and slowly pulled down his hood.Little black cat ears,like his skull,perked up.Blue's eyes took their star-shape."Oh my god!Can I pet you??"Berry flinched.{Uh..s-sure..?}Blue carefully extended a gloved hand to Berry's head,and gently rubbed it.Berry started to purr,and that made Blue blush.

Berry nudged Blue's hand.Blue's smile widened,and he scratched behind Berry's ears.This got Berry to purr louder,and he giggled.{Mew..!}Blue was squealing on the inside.

Berry stopped mid-purr,and yawned."Are you tired?"Blue asked softly,to get a nod in return.He giggled and picked up Berry,which made both blush a bright blue hue. Blue carried him over to the couch,and sat down.Berry,without thinking,laid his head against Blue's chest,and fell asleep.Blue smiled softly."Good night Berry.." {Nigh..}He mumbled in his sleep.Blue smiled and held Berry close,before drifting off to sleep,himself.


Whatcha think?Did I do good?I just want to put this out there.If anyone doesn't understand something,please,feel free to either comment about something they want explained,or if you have any other ideas!This story will most likely update often,depending on how stuff goes.Anywho,I hope you all enjoyed!


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