Chapter 4

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Blue's POV
I yawned.I wasn't next to Berry's bed,no,I was in my own bed.How did I...Papyrus...

I slid out of bed,being quiet.I snook out of my room and down the stairs.I was home free!But,upon opening the door,a pain shot throughout my body.The pain started at my neck...A shock collar...

I weakly stood up,and I was pulled into someone's arms.I recognized the orange hoodie instantly. "Papyrus.Unhand me!I must get to Berr-"A stinging pain burned my cheekbone.He slapped me...

"You will not be going anywhere.You will stay here with me."I couldn't stay with him,I NEED to get back to Berry.

I pushed him away and I ran upstairs,to the bathroom.I slam the door shut and lock it.I looked at the mirror,my left eye socket had a small crack in it.

I growled lowly.With one smack to me,who knows what he could do to Berry!The poor,weak,little kitten.He needs me back there.

I look at the wall,finding where the wallpaper was different.I open the secret door there,pulling out a sharp knife.Slowly bringing it to my neck,I hook it on the collar.The thing falls to the ground.

I put the knife back and I seal the door back up.I focus my power to teleport me outside,and I succeed,only falling from 5 feet in the air.

I stand up and take off at a dead run to Hotland.Reaching the lab,I quickly get inside.Papy hasn't noticed my absence,yet.

I can't believe he put a collar on me!Does he think that I'm just some stupid animal!?He is the WORST brother ever!I hate him!

I run up to Undyne,who was at her desk."Is Berry okay!?"She hesitates."Wh-who's Berry...?"My eyes widen."No...NO!"I fall to my knees,this has to be a dream,it just has to be!


I jolted awake,panting.I was back at the lab,next to Berry's bed.He was still in a deep sleep.My hand and his were still together,but..his hand was colder now.I sighed softly and I looked at his face.He had a fresh bandage going over that crack Undyne said he got.

I lean over the bed and kiss his forehead lightly."Please wake up soon..."

-3 Weeks Later-

Berry still hasn't woke up.I'm scared for his life.What did Papyrus do to him...?

-1 Month Later-

I'm losing it.I haven't left his side for 2 months.Undyne's had to bring me food,for I wasn't gonna leave to go eat.Berry...Please wake up...

-Later That Night-

I'm so alone,scared,afraid.Where am I?Everything's white.

I heard something that caught my attention.Berry.I heard him call out to me.He was saying he was scared,too.He wanted to wake up, but he couldn't.

I looked around,white,white,and even more whi-I saw him.He was chained up,bloody,terrified.I slowly walked to him,he looked up at me.{B-Bwe..!}That's when I noticed he had a gag over his mouth,muffling him.He reached out for me,but his hands were tied behind his back.

I knelt down beside him and unhooked the gag from his mouth.His jaw was cracked down to his chin."Oh you poor thing..."I pulled him into a tight embrace.He snuggled up to me,trying to keep warm and safe.

I kissed his head gently."Who did this to you..?" {P-Papy-}My vision went black.


I woke up again.These nightmares were really getting to me.I looked at Berry.He was breathing steadily, that's good.I looked at a clock.4 am.I'll just stay up,watching over Berry.

-2 Months Later-

I giggle and hold Berry close to me.He smiled up at me and I kiss him.He kisses back.We're on my bed,so I pin him down to it as I deepened our kiss.His tail curls around my leg,and I chuckle.

He blushes deeply and I start kissing down his jawline.He gives off small mewls of pleasure as I start kissing his neck.I lightly nip and bite there.He gives off little moans,his face and mine both covered in blue.


I jolt awake,blushing deeply.That was the first lewd dream I've had,and it was with another me...Is it bad that I wanted that dream to continue...?

I look at Berry.4 whole months and he's still asleep.I sigh.I can't stay here forever,I have to get something to eat.I stand up from my chair.

{B-Blue...?}I froze.No,it's only my mind playing tricks on me.I take a step forward.{Y-you're leaving m-me...?}No,I'm not leaving,I wanted to say,but I didn't.

I turned to look at him,just so I knew for certain.He was lying down in bed,looking over at me."Berry!"I run over to his bed.I hug him as tightly as I can without hurting him. "My god...I was so worried..."I mumble.

I look at a little red button that's next to his bed.I push it,sending a signaling to Undyne."I missed you so much..."I held him close.Berry started to blush deeply.

"Hm?What's wrong,Berry?" {Wh-when I was s-sleeping...I heard you and s-someone else talking...You said you like me...}I turned dark blue and stammered."U-uh,n-nope! I-I didn't say th-"Berry kissed my cheek.{Tell m-me the truth...Please...}

I held him close and I whispered into his ear."Yes...Yes,but I don't like you,Berry...I love you...You made me so happy...I just wanted you to be mine..."

Berry blushed deeply.{I-I love you too...}He snuggled up to me,purring quietly and I held him close,smiling softly.


I am soo sorry that this took forever to update.I was running out of ideas,so I decided on this.And HOLY SHIT OVER 6 THOUSAND READS!?!?THANK YOU SOOO MUCH GUYS!!I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL OF THIS!


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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