Chapter One

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*Sydney's P.O.V*

"Sweetie are you sure you don't need any help?" my aunt Lacey asked as she stood at the door to her house.

"I'm fine," I said quietly as I walked into the house with all my bags.

Ever since my parents death I've had to move in with my aunt and uncle. I'm not as happy here, and I'll never be as happy. I lost my parents and the police believe that someone killed them and that it wasn't just an accident. Of course I love my aunt and uncle, but I loved my mom and dad. They were my everything.

"Syd can I talk to you?" my uncle Ed asked as he knocked on my new bedroom door.

"Yeah come in," I said as I finished folding my clothes and putting them in the dresser.

"I know this is hard on you. It's hard on me I just lost my brother, but we will get through this. Your mom and dad would want you to move on. This happened for the best. I don't know what will come from this, but I will tell you we are becoming stronger every moment that we don't cry over this," Ed said as he sat on my freshly made bed.

"I know, it's just hard without them both. I never have a close relationship with my parents, but knowing they would be there when I got home from work or a friends house made me feel safe. I just don't know how I will cope without having that mother and father love thing," I explained sitting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I know it's hard, but Lacey and I always wanted a daughter and we will treat you as if you are ours. Dylan is happy you'll be here. He isn't happy about the why, but we are all here for you. Maybe getting back into school will help you out a bit and maybe getting a job will help take your mind off of everything."

"Yeah maybe. I'll look into some jobs around town tomorrow. Does Lacey need any help with dinner?" I questioned trying to change topic.

"That would be lovely. Oh and before I forget, you start school tomorrow, please stay out of the trouble for a bit, and Dylan has football(Soccer) after school so you'll have to stay after for a little bit," he said and then walked out of my room.

Walking down the steps of the new house something actually hit me. These are the only family members that offered to house me. None of my mothers siblings offered me a stay, my grandparents didn't, not even my friends. This just shows who my true family is and who will constantly be there for me.

"Aunt Lacey can I help with that?" I questioned as I watched her struggling getting out pans from the tall shelf.

"Oh yes dear. Go ahead and hop up on the counter it will be easier to reach," she said and backed away going to the chicken she was frying in butter. Personally I don't like chicken, but I won't tell her that.

"Mom I'm home and the boys are with me," my older cousin Dylan shouted as he walked in from I'm guessing practice.

"Come say hi to Sydney bring the boys too!" Lacey yelled as I continued looking for the pan she was trying to get.

"Hi mom, ugh Syd you need help?" Dylan asked laughing as he saw me. He grabbed my waist, but something was different. Dylan was cold. Not like freezing cold but he didn't have body heat like normal. I turned to look at him and he looked different. His body was more muscular and his skin lost its tan color. He looked almost sick.

Dylan and I have always been close. He always used to spend all summer at my house and would visit over spring break. We had a best friend relationship, which is why I was happy we will be attending the same school. Dylan is older than me like he is 19 and I'm 18, but we are both seniors. We are a year apart, but he started school about a year late.

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