Chapter Two

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*Sydney's P.O.V*

I woke up the next morning and was feeling excited and nervous. It's the first day of school for me in Australia and I know it will be different from how it was in America. Dylan is supposed to give me a ride to school and he is supposed to help me with my schedule, but who knows if he will.

My outfit is some tight dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a galaxy design that says STAR WARS, black converse high tops, and my hair was straightened. My makeup was just some lip gloss and eyeliner. I must say I was looking pretty good for my first day.

After brushing my teeth I made my way down stairs and Dylan was sitting on the bar stool at the island in the kitchen and was talking to Calum. The moment my foot hit the floor off the steps Calum's head shot towards me and he stopped talking. His eyes looked as if he was terrified.

"Oh are you ridding to school with us Calum?" I asked him and he nodded slowly. Even though Dylan is acting stranger and Calum isn't the most talkative I need to make all this work this is my home now.

"Lets go," Dylan said grumpily as he stood from the island and stormed outside. Dylan drove a orange Jeep Wrangler and you had to jump into the back seat from the front since there isn't a back seat door.

When we got to school Dylan instantly got out of the truck and Calum followed. He held the door open for me and helped me out of the Jeep. Calum was extremely shy and it was adorable since he didn't really know how to handle anyone. He walked me to the office and wouldn't even talk to anyone. When I got my schedule he showed me to my locker and stood silently as I put my stuff away and I grabbed everything I needed for the next couple classes.

"Calum you don't have to be awkward around me. I'm Dylan's cousin I'm not some crazy person," I said sending him the sweetest smile I could make.

"I know I'm just not very good with my words," he said making me chuckle.

"Well don't think about your words just talk. Don't be nervous or shy around me. I'll be cool I won't make fun of you," I said as I closed my locker gently and turned to him. He sent me a shy smile and nodded.

"I'll try to keep that in mind. Come on I'll walk you to class," Calum whispered and held out his arm for me to take like a gentleman would. He walked me to my Health class and waved as he walked quickly to his class. I took a seat in the back row and got out my book waiting for the teacher.

It's now lunch and Calum walked me to all of my classes and Ashton walked with us till his class. Michael has ditched today and I haven't seen Dylan at all. I was sitting with Calum and Ashton waiting on Dylan.

"All I'm saying is that party tonight is supposed to be killer and since we were invited we should go," Ashton rambled and then took a sip of his Sprite.

"Ash I would like to go I mean after all of my tests and finals I accomplished last week I'd love to go, all I'm saying is Dylan and Luke won't let us," Calum said as he leaned back in his seat and sighed after his sentence.

"Why do you guys need their permission. You're big boys," I joked and Calum scratched his head.

"We don't go anywhere without each other in case we need some help or something," Ashton explained and I nodded. It did make sense if you looked at it from their point of view.

"Well I wouldn't mind a party tonight," I said as I ate a piece of strawberry the was on my plate.

"Who is having a party?" Dylan asked as he sat next to me and a blond boy sat between Calum and Ashton.

"Garret invited us to his party tonight," Calum whispered and put his focus to the table in front of him.

"Come on Dylan please. It would be fun, plus I need to have some fun in my life," I said begging him as I held his arm tightly. He shook his head closing his eyes. I knew this look. He would say no and then I beg and he says yes. "Please Dylan it would be fun. I have never been to a high school party and I'm a senior. Pretty please."

"Ugh forgive me aunt Nina," Dylan said looking up to the ceiling then closing his eyes and sighing loudly. "Fine you know what we can go, but you have to have one of us with you tonight and I'm drinking so I'm not watching you," he said sternly and I smiled.

"Thank you Dyl," I said and hugged him tightly.

"I can't believe you let her get in your mind like that man," the blond who I remember as Luke said.

"She wasn't in my head I just think she should have a chance to go to a party for once in her life," Dylan deafened and I smirked but received a glare from Luke.

"Alright man, but you know those twats will get drunk and I'm stuck babysitting," Luke grumbled and stood from his seat taking off to a table filled with cheerleaders and he began flirting.

"What's up his ass?" I asked getting a small giggle from Calum and a glare from Dylan.

"Drop it Sydney," Dylan barked and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Luke and Dylan are really good friends," Calum mumbled as he glanced over at Luke.

"Aye what's going on between you two. Calum you never talk this much to anyone except Michael or me?" Ashton questioned while sipping on his Sprite again.

"I just told him that he didn't need to be awkward around me," I chuckled and threw away my tray and followed Dylan out to the football field. He was kicking a ball at the side of the school.

"Go back inside Syd," Dylan said calmly even though it was forced.

"Dylan what is wrong with you?" I asked grabbing the ball before it could go back to him. "I thought this would be easier on me since I just lost my mom and dad, but you aren't helping. You are treating me as if I was never anything important."

"Look Syd I'm different now ok. I'm not the nerdy good boy anymore," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"That isn't what this is about. It doesn't matter who you are at school to me. You're my family and you are treating me as if I am someone who just ruined your life. I'm sorry I'm here right now because if it was up to me I'd still be back in America and I wouldn't have to deal with the fact my parents are dead and my old best friend doesn't even want anything to do with me even though he is my cousin and we live in the same house now!" I yelled as tears fell down my face.

"Sydney please don't," Dylan pleaded as tears began to slip from his eyes.

"No Dylan I'm not going to have to deal with this. I'm here now. I'm not going to act like nothing is wrong and I'm not going to act like you are a totally different person," I cried and he walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry Syd I just can't go back to who I used to be. I wish I could for you but I just can't," he explained while resting his chin on my head. "I love you, you know that. I'm trying to get this all working with the boys and you. It's just hard."

"I know Dyl I just miss you," I sobbed and he chuckled.

"Alright well we need to get inside bell will ring here shortly," Dylan said and wiped my face clean of tears.

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