(The Real) Author-chan x Reader

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Wahhhhh I'm a beginner at XReaders but for the ppl, imma do it. Imma use Author-chan's username instead cuz she might not want to use her real name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I walked happily with Akame by my side. She told me that I should sleep over her house since its Friday and we also had to do a project by pair. Akame's my best friend and will always be. Well, if that's what she wants.... I've always loved her, but I couldn't admit it. I don't want us to be awkward since I knew she's gunna turn me down.

I sighed "Hey Akame, let's go buy some crepe on the way to your house!" She giggled at my statement. "Hungry as always, I see" she continued as we headed to the nearest Crepe shop. I bought strawberry as she bought chocolate. We ate it while walking to the train station since our house was a little far. Her house was just a street next to ours.

We ate and talked a lot while waiting for the train. By the time the train arrived, we had finished our crepe. We got in and just stood by the doors since there was a lot of people. When the train started to move, I lost my grip and fell forward. Akame caught me and I  fell over her, it was good that she was leaning on the side of the door, though we were stuck in a very awkward situation "Are you okay, (y/n)?" She asked. I was too speechless to say anything so I just nodded and stood properly.

We were quiet during the whole ride. "This is our stop, (y/n)" She said as the train stopped. I nodded and we got out of the train. "Akame, I'm gunna go to my house and get some clothes... Do you wanna come or are you gunna wait for me in your house?" I asked as we continued walking. "I'll go with you." She said briefly and we headed to my house.

"Tadaima~" I said as I arrived at home. "Okaerinasai" I heard my mom said as we headed to my room. I grabbed everything I needed while Akame helped me. When we finished, we walked downstairs so I could say bye to my mom. I kissed my mom on the cheek and we walked out. "Hey Akame, I'm gunna tell you a secret when we arrive at you house!" I said and grinned. 'This is it... There's no going back now.' I thought as she nodded.

We talked about random things again on the way to her house. We arrived and was greeted by silence. "Eh? Where's your mom, Akame?" I asked curiously as we walked up the stairs so I can put down my stuff. Mom and Dad is on a business trip. They'll be back by 2 weeks." She said while I put my bag down. "About the secret I talked about.... Akame, I-I like- no Love you." I said as I looked down so she won't see my flushed face. She grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards. I looked at her and saw her loving eyes.

Before I could register it in my mind, She kissed me passionately. She licked my bottom lip and I granted her entrance. From what seemed like a short kiss, turned out to be a full make-out session. And once we've ran out of air, we pulled away. She smile at me and said "I love you too (y/n)".  And let's just say, we didn't do any project that night.


Heya ppl! What do you think? Did I do a gr8 job or nah? Welp that's all for now! Byeeeee


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