Chapter 5

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I was running. I don't know why but I ran like my life depended on it. i wanted to stop but couldn't, i had no control. I heard a familiar cry and my body froze. i knew that voice, the voice that i tried to forget, the voice that haunts me everyday. The murdered that killed my dad. i knew it wasn't an animal even though mom believes it. its a monster. A horrible person.

"Emma!" The voice sang getting closer. I wanted to take off and run, hide, never come out. "Where are you?!" it sang again this time getting closer.

"Emma.." It whispered in my ear  sending shivers down my spine. I turned my body around only to face a dark figure. i couldn't make out its face. The figure took a step closer.

"Wha....what do you want?" the fear in my voice made him chuckle.

"I WANT YOU!!" he shouted making me flinch and fall to the floor, crying.

"NO LEAVVE ME ALONEE!" I cried and curled up in a ball, sobbing. I felt something dark overwhelm me. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me. I shoved and kicked, trying to get out of its grip.

"Emma wake up! WAKE UP!"

I stood up, struggling to get out of a tight grip around my waist

"Hey are you ok?" I relaxed, hearing the voice of my brother. He reached down and gave be one last squease before releasing me.I stood up and put on my slippers, Josh's concerned eyes folowing me.

"Im fine, dont worry" I walked to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face to calm me down.

"Well are you sure, because you were screaming for help and murmuring that someone is gonna kill you." I turned back around, Josh leaning on the door frame. "If the nightmares are coming back you're going to have to tell mom"

"No Josh you're not gonna tell mom because the nightmares aren't back.....ok?" I sighed, walked over to the mirror and tied my hair in a loose bun."It was just a bad dream."

"Whaetever you say" He walked out of the room. I sat down on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. Why did they have to come back.


"Wait, so let me get this right... Our history teacher , Alaric, is dating your aunt, Jenna?" I laughed, slamming my locker shut after collecting all of my books. Unfortunately,  After this morning Elena dragged me to school. My mum sent my application in so I was an official student at Mystic Falls high school.

"Basically " Elena smiled and lock locked hands with me dragging me down the school halls. Personally, I would rather be at home watching Netflix but if I want to have a life, I have to attend hell everyday. Elena dragged me, once again, into a class room with a hot teacher. He had brown, neat
hair and light brown eyes. He looked like an average teacher except a little skinnier.

"Now this teacher is hot" I whispered to Elena and gave her a smirk and wink

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"Now this teacher is hot" I whispered to Elena and gave her a smirk and wink.

"That is  Alaric Saltzman our teacher " Elena laughed and sat down with an empty seat next to her.

"My mistake" I chuckled. I took out my books and placed them on the table. I searched in my bag for a pen. I was never organise for school. I never really cared about my attendance on my attitude towards teachers but since this is a new life (according to my mum) here I was ready to have a new attitude and a new personality.

"Okay, we have a new student, Emma let's welcome her with a nice lesson of history " he smiled as the class groaned and turned to the board to write some timeline on it. In my old school maths was my worst subject but I was planning on changing that. I never really gave much thought of what I wanted to be when I was older. But I did have one in mind. Police officer. After the incident my mom made me take self defence lessons for protection. I was mostly beating my brothers ass with the skills I was taught but I was capable of taking care of myself.

"Emma? Mr Saltzman pulled me from my deep thoughts.

"Yeah?" I looked to Alari- I mean Mr Saltzman and tucked a lose hair behind my ear. I then looked to Elena who was staring at me along with the whole class.

"I said, Are you listening back there?" He questioned.

"I am now..." I answered and looked down at my books. I was never really a shy person but right now I felt humiliated.

"Good" he bluntly said and turned back around. I heard Elena snicker from the seat besides me. I turned to her and gave her a 'shut up' look and she gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and continued my work in my book. And by that I mean mostly drawing.

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