*Chapter 9- Part 1*

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I hopped out of my moms red car, stepping in a puddle. "Wow...." I muttered quietly.

"Whats wrong?" She asked, slightly lifting herself to look over at my feet from the drivers side.

"Nothin, but remember pick me up at like....um?" I tried remembering what time we were going to finish.

"1am" she said.

"But mom i wana get time to hang out a bi-" I whinned.

"1am" she repeated, the corners of her mouth slowly making a smile and her voice raised, showing that there was no point in arguing with her.

"Fine then" I replied feeling slightly defeated. I smacked her door shut and turned around.

"LOVE YOU AND BE CAREFULL!" She shouted through the closed windows in her car. I did what I also ways do and made a heart shape with my hands. It's something I did when I was young and I guess it became a habit. I stood around until my mothers car disappeared and headed towards the school.

"My feet hurt! How many more traps do I have to place down?!" I whined. My feet were hurting and I was getting tired of placing mouse traps on every tile of Alaric's classroom. Every senior does this Prank Night thing where they would put pranks everywhere in the school. Something we didn't do in L.A.

I stopped my breathing when loud footsteps came from the corridor and soon after a creak of the door.

A squeal escaped my mouth as all the traps were set off scaring all of us. Making me accidentally back into Caroline. I mouthed her a sorry and she gave me a slight smile.

"OHH DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT TOOK TO SET UP" Caroline huffed in frustration. Placing her hand on her temple. Well that was a quick change of emotion.

"Did you forget?" Tyler asked calmer than usual considering he was pumped when we planed this. He leaned on a metal cabinet.

"Obviously" Matt answered, he looked a little sweaty.


"I'm surprised any of you are doing this." Matt quietly asked.

"I was forced." I raise my hand earning a few glares from Caroline and Bonnie.

"Caroline is making us."Bonnie spoke ignoring my comment.

"So basically we were all forced!" I shrugged and pointed out the obvious.

"We are about to be seniors, these are memories that will stay with us forever and if we don't--" Caroline began...

"--Don't create these memories now then what's the point of it all?"  And Elena finished for her with a smile on her face.

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care." Caroline put her hands up showing she wasn't going to be offended. Elena  giggled at Caroline.

"Your lame. And I've got 10 more classrooms to prank." Tyler grabbed a duffel bag and walked out.

Elena walked out after Tyler stopping in her tracks as Bonnie asked "Hey where are you going?"

"To superglue Alaric's desk shut. Im making memories." Elena smiled at Caroline and made a gesture, she then walked out. Caroline smiled, proud that she had gotten one person on her side.

"I love you!" Caroline shouted as Elena walked out.

"Well, I'm going to follow her lead and go help out in the gym" I sighed walking out and giving Caroline, Bonnie and Matt a quick wave then headed over to the gym. As I walked through the school I noticed how quiet it was until I got thought the double doors leading to our school gym and seeing people together in groups, filling up plastic cups of water and talking and giggling just make me smile.

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