Chapter Five

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     Lance gave Skarlet and Ivy a ride to school. Pulling up in the schools parking lot, they saw Aaron standing in his spot with Danny on the right of him. Skarlet saw Ivy take a deep breath through the rear view mirror. Lance rolled down his window, "Get out of the way jackass."
Aaron got closer and with his key out. Lance opened the door and stood up, "Make one scratch, and I will rip your head off."
Aaron smiled and got closer, placing his key on the side of Lance's car. Lance got out of the car and pushed Aaron back. "Skarlet get back in the car," Ivy told Skarlet as she got out of the car.
Danny looked at Ivy and made a kissy face. "You know Danny, I understand why you rape girls, you have a little problem," Skarlet said holding her pinky out, "girls see they laugh."
Danny got closer to Skarlet, "Should have been you," Danny said licking his lips.
Lance got in the middle of Skarlet and Danny as Aaron got closer. "Let go," Lance said getting back into the car.
    Mr. Brooks was absent, leaving the class being loud and chatty. Lance looked in back of him, "help me with something?"
"Get into Aaron's locker."
Skarlet looked at puzzled. Lance pulled out a fake ID from his pocket.
"That's like the oldest trick in the book."
"But effective," Lance smirked as he stood up with his agenda.
Skarlet gave him a few minutes before asking to go to the bathroom, telling the girl it was an emergency due to that time of the month. Skarlet saw Lance open his door, and replaced his  real ID with the fake one. "How do you even plan on getting I'm in trouble with the fake one?"
"I'm sure his stupid life choices will get him caught. He isn't old enough to get these," Lance told Skarlet, holding Aaron's pack of cigarettes. "Which means his real ID is fake."
Skarlet took a deep breath, "This feud between you two is getting sickening."
"Do you really want to think that bastard can just do whatever he wants? Trust me Skar."
Skarlet took a deep breath and walked away from Lance.
     Stacey opened Skarlet's bedroom door. Skarlet looked over while playing her online to see Lance. Paused her game and looked at Lance, "What are you doing here?"
"To say hi."
"Aaron get busted yet?"
"Yeah," Lance said looking over to the side. "Nice room."
Skarlet covered her legs with her blankets as Lance sat at the edge of her bed. "I'm sorry for earlier."
"I don't blame you, he is friends with someone who is proud to be a rapist, kicked you in your junk, endless of punches, stupid remarks, your car. I'm just scares that for long it won't all be just fists. Aaron, he always has knives on him, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"I do try my best to ignore him, but I'll try harder."
Skarlet smiled, "Thank you."
Lance came closer, "So what are you playing."
"Enchanted. I'm an elf queen," Skarlet said pulling her blanket to that it covered up her legs.
Lance turned her chair around and pulled her closer. "You don't have to hide anything from me."
Skarlet signed sadly and released her tight grip on her blanket, "Its stupid and cowardly."
Lance uncovered her legs, seeing scars with some day old cuts. "Skarlet, it's not cowardly. You have just been strong for too long."
Skarlet smiled through the tears that uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks. Lance wiped her tears with his thumb, cupped her cheeks and kisses her. Skarlet pulled back with a smile before kissing him back.

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