Chapter Nine

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Skarlet opened her eyes to see herself laying in the hospital bed. She looked down to see bandaged all over her chest as she wore a hospital gown. She looked over to see her mom talking with John outside the room. She dug her face into his chest as he rubbed her back. Skarlet saw Lance sleeping in the chair next to her with a hospital blanket covering her up. Skarlet smiled as she heard her door open. Stacey smiled widely as she cried. "How are you feeling?" Stacey asked as John gave Skarlet her glasses.
"Like I've been shot," Skarlet answered with a smile, sitting up straight. "Has he been here this whole time?"
Stacey nodded, "Only left your side to go to the bathroom and to give you some privacy while the nurses replaces your bandages."
"Are you hungry?" John asked.
Skarlet nodded as Stacey and John went out of the room.
Skarlet looked over. She reached over and pulled Lance's blanket down. Skarlet saw Lance opened his drowsy eyes and look at her. He moved the chair close as he held Skarlet's hand. Skarlet wiped his tear away with her pointer finger, "Don't cry."
Lance smiled passed the few tears that escaped his bottom lid, "Sorry. I'm just glad that you're okay."
"Thanks to you."
Lance stood up with his blanket around him and kissed Skarlet.
Skarlet smiled and asked, "Did they catch Aaron?"
Lance shook his head, "No. Cops are still looking for him."
Skarlet took a deep breath, "That's awesome. That rapist is probably hiding him."
"Skarlet, I'm so sorry. Its all my fault. If I have acted like the bigger man, none of this would have happened," Lance said putting his head down.
"Its not your fault. You didn't bring that gun into the school. You didn't shoot me. I would take a bullet for you any day."
Lance placed his head on Skarlet's thigh. She ran her fingers through his hair.
John and Stacey entered the room as Ivy was behind them. Lance lifted his head up as John came closer to give Skarlet some food. Ivy gently hugged Skarlet. "I'm so glad you are OK."
"Me too," Skarlet smiled.
Ivy sat at the edge of the bed, "You are on the news. Pretty lame I think."
Skarlet smiled, "They couldn't right a book about me."
"Title it Hero Gets Shot," Ivy helped Skarlet imagine.
Skarlet laughed and took a bite as she saw Stacey and not getting the girls humor.
Skarlet got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. She flipped the light on and saw Aaron. Aaron covered her mouth before she could yell for help. "Just hear me out."
Skarlet nodded as Aaron uncovered her mouth. Skarlet brought her foot up to his crotch. Aaron cupped himself as he bent over. "I didn't mean to shoot you. I only wanted to scare Lance."
"And shooting directly at him with a loaded gun wasn't enough?"
"I didn't know it was loaded. I took it from my dad's safe," Aaron explained standing up straight again.
"You need to turn yourself in," Skarlet told Aaron.
"I want you to turn me in."
Skarlet didn't expect him to say that. "You sure?"
Aaron nodded and opened the bathroom door. Skarlet went over to a police officer with Aaron looking down onto his feet. Skarlet looked over and saw Lance coming out of the elevator to see Aaron being hand cuffed. Lance went over to Skarlet, "Are you OK?"
"Aaron wanted me to turn him in," Skarlet explained as the elevator doors closed with Aaron and a cop inside it.

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