Chapter Seven

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    Skarlet starting dozing off as she didn't get a good nights rest from tossing and turning all night. Lance walked up to Skarlet as she was at her locker. Skarlet saw that he was a little nervous about something. Lance gently took Skarlet's books and put them back in her locker. He took a deep breath as he took Skarlet's hands with his shaky ones. "I want you to come meet somebody."
"Who?" Skarlet asked curiously.
Lance smiled anxiously and walked her out the school.
     Skarlet sat in the passengers seat as she had her hands between her thighs, looking out the window nervous to be meeting whoever Lance wanted her to meet. Skarlet looked over to see Lance playing with the half heart around his neck. "Does Jane have the other half?"
Lance nodded, "Yeah. I made sure she was buried with it so she could have a part of me in the afterlife, if their is one. She was religious, but also has a wild side to her."
Skarlet smiled thinking that she would have liked Jane if she ever met her. "Sounds like I would have liked her."
Lance smiled as he got onto the highway. Skarlet dozing off as the ride was putting her to sleep. She refused to close her eyes, but that made her promise to herself to stay awake was getting harder to keep by the minute.
     Skarlet felt the car go over a bump and woke up. She looked out the window as she saw Lance pull into a cemetery. She sat up as she had a good idea on who Lance wanted her to meet. Lance parked on the side of a curvy road. Skarlet took off her seat belt as she got out of the car. Lance walked over to a gravestone with Skarlet and stopped. Skarlet took a deep breath as her hand got a little sweaty from nervousness and from being in the pockets of her sweatshirt. Skarlet looked over at Lance and  saw his face soften. She took her hand out of her pocket and slid it into Lance's as she looked up in the sky. I hope I can be the girl that Lance deserves. I promise to care and keep him safe, Skarlet thought, hoping Jane could hear them. Skarlet looked at Lance and smiled, "I think she would be very proud of you living your life happily."
Lance smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek, "You think so?" He asked controlling his voice.
"Lance, you don't have to be so strong in front of me," Skarlet told him as she felt his body tremble with sadness.
Lance nodded as he looked down at his shoes. He pulled Skarlet closer to him, "You remind me a lot of Jane. Smart, beautiful, doesn't take shit from anybody, but still has a strong, caring heart. I don't want you to think that I'm using you to fill up a void, or that I wont care nor love you—"
"You don't have to explain yourself," Skarlet kindly cut him off as her bright green eyes began to fill up with tears as she gently placed her head against Lance's chest.
Lance rubbed Skarlet's shoulder as Skarlet felt a tear drop land on the back of her hand. Skarlet looked up and wiped away with the corner of her sleeve. "Keep crying and Jane would have to come up and kick your butt," Skarlet smiled, trying to make him smile.
Lance chuckled. He took a deep breath and smiled, "You have to meet Ivy to get a dress for tomorrow night. I'll drop you off."
    Lance stopped the car in front of where Ivy was standing. Skarlet looked over at him, "Are you OK?"
Lance nodded, "I'm good."
Skarlet smiled and placed her hand on Lance's shoulder, "I'm really glad you took me to meet Jane."
As Skarlet stepped out of the car, Lance gently grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the car, kissing her.
Skarlet looked at him and smiled as she could feel her cheeks blush, "I'll see you tomorrow."
      Skarlet looked at some dresses and didn't really like the dresses she saw. Skarlet looked over at Ivy who picked a long baby blue dress to try on. Skarlet walked into the other side of the dress rack to see if there was anything. Skarlet saw a short, strapless dark red and black dress. She took it off the rack while looking at Ivy. They went to the fitting room to try on the dresses. Skarlet looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the dress fit perfectly, hugging her skinny curves. Skarlet went out and met Ivy in her long baby blue dress that had a skinny strap going across. After getting the dresses, they want over to the masks. Skarlet saw a black laced mask that only covered the eyes as Ivy picked a silver mask with light blue gems on the corner of the eyes.
Skarlet and Ivy smiled at one another as they stepped out of the stores with their bags.

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