New home part 2

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"Well..." I trail off. "You wanna start now?" I say looking up. His eyes widen, and he breaks into a full blown smile.

"Of course Belle!" He shouts. Then his eyes widen bigger. "Can I call you Belle?" (Q/A Its pronounced Bell-a) I smile. "Of course you can." He starts doing this weird dance in his seat. I shake my head and turn on the radio. Death Of A Bachelor came on and I squealed! It's my favorite song!

"Do I look lonely..." (Q/A I will also not be writing the songs out, because I actually hate it when writers do that.)
I sang the low parts an octave higher, and started doing a weird dance of my own. "THE DEATH OF A BACHELORRRR." I scream and notice we are at a huge mansion. I look over at Simon and he's sitting there trying really hard not to laugh. My eyes narrow into slits. "You're my uncle aren't you like, not suppose to laugh at me." I say in a really high pitched voice. Apparently, that just sends him over the edge, and he breaks out into uncontrollable laugh. I grumble, and get out taking my guitar and suit case with me. I slam the door, and start walking up to the beautiful mansion. As I get to the door, I was shocked to see faces pressed up against it. The faces just stare at me until finally Simon walks up beside me.

"I swear they are like little children." He mutters under his breath. He opens the door, and 5 bodies fall to the floor. The groan and try to untangle themselves.

"Louis get your fat ass off of me!"

"Niall you ass is in my face!"

"Well, your face is in my ass!"


"My curls! My face!"

Simon looks at me and rolls his eyes, then looks at the boys again. "Once you guys untangle your selfs, come inside and meet your new roommate." He steps over them, and walks inside. I follow suit, and gaze up into the beautiful foyer.

"Holy shit." I whisper, star struck. There was a huge chandelier with a hundred crystals, and right in front of my was a beautiful spiral stair case to the second floor. The whole house itself must be 3 floors. Simon starts walking up the stairs and laughs at my face "You coming?" That snaps me out of my daze and I rush to the stairs.

"So the boys have their own floor, the 2nd floor, and you can have the 3rd floor. There are a total of 7 rooms on each floor. You can choose your room and you can turn the rooms into anything you'd like. Sound good?"

"Wow.. You mean.. I get a whole floor to myself..?" I asked shocked. How did I go from a closet at the orphan house, to a whole floor in a mansion?

"Of course. Now go choose you room!" He says as we reach the 3rd floor. "Now I'll be right back, I have to make sure the boys are okay. And hey, do you want to tell them I'm your uncle?" He asks. I think about it for a minute. "No, I don't want them to think I'm a charity case." I say quietly. He smiles and walks away, and I look down the halls. There was 3 rooms on each side with one room at the very end of the hall. I look at the first room on the right. White walls, with a light purple bed sheet. There was a small desk in the corner and a closet beside it. The other 5 rooms were like that, but with different colored bed sheets. When I got to the room at the end of the hall, I instantly knew it was the one for me. White walls with a black bed sheet, a little cozy couch in the corner, and 3 doors on the side of the wall. I walk in the first one, and it's a pretty big closet, with multiple places to put clothes, shoes, and jewelry. 'Nice' I thought to myself.

The next door had a beautiful bathroom, with a jacuzzi, a bath, a shower, and two sinks. (And a toilet of course.) The sink was made with river rock, and the outside of the jacuzzi had marbles all over it. It was a beautiful sight. I walk out and go into the 3rd door. It was a blank room, and was pretty big, that had sound proof pads all around it. 'A recording studio..?' I put my guitar in the corner and go back out to my room. 'I wonder if I could write on the walls. I'll ask later.' I put my little suit case on my bed and begin unpacking. It only took me 3 min to unpack. I put my 2 shirts and 2 sweats into the closet, and put my beanies on the manikin heads. I sit on the bed and decide to go down stairs. Just before I get to the bottom I hear voices.

"But Simon! She's a girl! Plus God knows where she's been!" #1 voice scoffs in disgust. My eyebrows scrunch up.

"We don't need a bitch running around the house!" #2 voice says, with the same tone as #1 voice. Okay that one hurt.

"God doesn't she look like a slut? Did you see the ripped up shirt and sweats? God, I beat she's a dirty hoe." Says voice number 1 again.

"Simon, She's just using you! She called you uncle Simon! That's something only we can do! She's gonna take your money, and use you to get fame!" Tears are streaming down my face. God, I haven't been here for 30 min, and I'm already not welcomed. I wipe the tears and walk into the kitchen looking down.

"I'm sorry for any trouble I caused." My voice breaking. "I can go back unc... I mean Simon. I will be gone in about 5 min. Again, I apologize." I rush out of the kitchen and up into my room. I grab my beanies, and clothes and throw them into my suitcase. I grab my guitar and rush down the steps. I almost reach the door before Simon calls my name.

"Arrabelle!" I stop, my hand on the door knob. I turn around and meet his eyes. "They didn't mean it.. Please don't go.." He says his voice getting smaller. "But Simon.. I'm not welcome. I don't want to intrude." Tears brimming my eyes. "Please Belle.. Stay for me." He pleads. "I look at my hand on the doorknob, and slowly take it off. "Ok..." I whisper. He smiles and brings me into a hug. "Thank you so much." He pulls back and smiles. Then his smile falls as he says "Now to have a talk with the boys."

"Simon, she's just gonna take advantage of you!

Simon Cowells rebel nieceWhere stories live. Discover now